Eye Candy

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Cesar blinked his eyes open much earlier than usual. His left arm had pins and needles, but when looked over and found Monse asleep with her head on his shoulder, he couldn't complain. For a few minutes, he let himself imagine what life would be like if he wasn't a Santos. He could go to college, graduate with a degree in architecture, marry the beautiful woman he held in his arms. 

Instead, at 15 he felt like his days were numbered. It really felt like the only good thing happening in his life was Monse. He knew she felt something for him, otherwise she wouldn't have been worried about his feelings for Olivia. He also knew how badly he wanted to be with her. More than anything in the world he wanted her to be by his side till the bitter end. Even if that was selfish, and even though he knew the end might be nearer than she imagined. 

Glancing over at the clock, he realized he needed to wake her so she could sneak out and get ready for school before anyone noticed. 

Planting a kiss on her forehead, he jostled her a bit to wake her. 

"Morning cariña" he whispered, "I know it's early, but you have to go home and get ready for school." 

Monse moaned, "Sleeping." she muttered, wrapping her arm around his torso and snuggling in closer.

He laughed and brushed the hair out of her face, sitting up and taking her with him. 

"Come on gorgeous, time to wake up." He replied 

This time she stirred a bit more, finally tearing herself away from Cesar and glaring at him. 

"I was comfortable." She grumbled. 

He smiled, "I know. I was too, but my brother and Letty are probably gonna be up soon, and you have to go home and get ready for school." 

"Alright." She sighed, rolling off the opposite side of the bed, she stood up and started to dress. 

Cesar took a few moments to admire how incredibly beautiful she was. Her milk chocolate skin in stark contrast to the white bra she slipped on before covering herself with her tank top. 

"Are you just going to sit there and eye fuck me?" She asked, her tone bitter, but the smile on her face telling him she was teasing.

He laughed, "Well, I could just fuck you, but I don't think you could go another round." 

"Please," She rolled her eyes, "You were the one exhausted last night, not me." 

Cesar stood up off the bed and chuckled, he pulled on a pair of sweats to cover his bare ass, before walking over to her and pulling her into his arms. He kissed her pouting lips and stroked her cheek tenderly. 

"One day, we can spend the whole day in bed, just you and I." He whispered

She nodded and smiled, Cesar took her hand, and together they tip toed down the hall and through the living room to the front door. He opened the door for her, letting her walk through it, but at the last second, he reached out and caught her hand again. Spinning her around, he rested his forehead against hers, and closed his eyes. 

"Can I see you tonight?" He asked 

Monse sighed, her hands coming to rest on his chest. "My dad comes back into town tonight." 

"I'll come to your window, late, after he's gone to bed?" He offered

Monse nodded, "We can't do anything though, he's a light sleeper. He'll hear." 

"It's ok," He replied, "I just want to hold you." 

Monse agreed, and Cesar kissed her sweetly. "One for the road." He said 

With that she was gone. He leaned against the door post, watching her cross the street and head down the block. As soon as he saw her front door close, he turned around to shut his own.

"I see you had a visitor. Did you have a good night papito?" Letty asked. 

Cesar nearly jumped a mile in the air. "Holy shit Letty, you scared the crap outta me!" 

"You didn't answer my question." She pressed 

He suddenly felt super uncomfortable. 

"Letty, can we not talk about this?" he asked, walking into the kitchen and pouring himself some of her coffee.

Letty leaned against the counter next to him, "Well I could always go wake Oscar and you can talk to him." she offered

 Cesar sighed, "Nothing happened!" 

"My ass" Letty replied 

Cesar frowned at her, "I'm not talking to you about this Let, it's weird." 

"Yeah, well think about how weird it's gonna be if you get her pregnant." She clapped back, "I'm not babysitting." 

Cesar ran his hand over his face. He was so not prepared for an inquisition about safe sex this morning. Letty was the closest thing he had to a sister, and he REALLY didn't want her to have details about his sex life. At the same time it did seem better to talk to Letty than to try and have anything that resembled a real conversation with Oscar about love and relationships. 

"Alright, but you asked for it." He warned her

She didn't look like she was backing down, so Cesar decided to shoot for it.

"She gave me head, we had sex. Yes we used a condom, no it didn't break, her dad put her on the pill when she was thirteen, I watch her take it at lunch every day, no I'm not sleeping with anyone else, no she isn't either. She's the first girl I've been with so it's not like I need to get tested for anything. Are we good?" 

Letty looked slightly caught off guard when he finished talking, but she recovered quickly. 

"Goddamn it Papito, if that girl's father ever finds out he's gonna kill you." She told him

Cesar shifted uncomfortably, but Letty pressed on. 

"Look. I know this is awkward, but I really want you to be safe. You don't need a kid right now, and you definitely don't want some incurable disease. You don't have to tell me if you're out here playing the field or not, but I want you to be smart about it if you are. And if she truly is the only one, I need you to wear a condom every time you have sex anyway because you just never know." 

Cesar nodded at her, "Ok." 

"Great. I'm going to Costco later, so I'll put condoms on the list." She smiled at him

Cesar couldn't help but laugh, "This is so fucked up Let. Don't fucking tell me that shit! Just toss a box on my bed and let me think they're from my brother." 

"Please. Oscar wouldn't know where to buy condoms if you held a gun to his head." She snorted

Cesar made a gagging noise, "Ugh gross! I don't wanna think about you two doing it!" 

"What the fuck else do you think happens? We've been together almost ten years." She chuckled 

Cesar took his coffee cup and left. Letty knowing he and Monse had sex was a lot. He wondered for a moment if this is what kids who had really involved parents felt like when their mother's caught them with a girl for the first time. Eventually, he decided it couldn't be, because no one could do awkward like Letty.

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