Dead & Gone

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Cesar spent the last few weeks of December in the hospital with Letty and Monse taking turns sitting with him. He missed Olivia's memorial. Monse said that Oscar went, and that the Santos had all brought roses to pay their respects. Cesar couldn't help but feel angry that they'd found the time to go to Olivia's funeral, but none of them cared enough about him to check and make sure that he was alive. 

A few days after the service, Cesar learned about the truce. Part of him was hopeful that his brother had forgiven him, but days rolled by, and there was no word from Oscar, and no sign of him either. For the first time in his life, Cesar didn't wake up in his bed on Christmas morning. Instead, he and Letty had lunch in the hospital cafeteria and exchanged "gifts" which were really just vending machine snacks they bought one another. Cesar actually enjoyed their little party, and he tried not to think about the fact that for the first time in his life, Oscar was likely in their house alone on Christmas.

Finally, the night before New Years Eve, Cesar was released from the hospital. He was stoked to be able to leave the room he'd been confined to for most of his stay, but another part of him was worried. Even with a truce, there wasn't unlikely that he was going to be shot on the street at some point in the near future. 

Letty offered to let him come to San Diego with her, and stay with her cousin, but Cesar turned her down. Assuring her that he could stay with his friends until Oscar came around. He could tell by the look on her face that she wasn't optimistic. They said goodbye outside Monse's, with the younger girl standing off to the side. Letty reminded Cesar to call her, and told him to keep in mind that he could always come stay with her, before she got into her car and drove off. 

"Do you think she'll come back?" Monse asked him

Cesar shrugged, "Not sure." 

Monse nodded before gesturing to her house, "We should get inside." 

They walked in, and bolted the door the moment in closed. Cesar took a moment to think about just how wild things were, it gave him a bit of a distraction from how much it hurt to move his body. 

"Come on babe, let's go to bed" She told him gently 

He nodded and followed her down the hall, slowly sinking onto her bed once they were in her bedroom. Monse began stripping off her clothes, seemingly unbothered that she was standing naked in front of Cesar. He didn't mind. It was an intimate moment, one that showed just how comfortable she was around him. He enjoyed having a moment to admire her. 

She pulled on her track shorts and turned to him. 

"Can you take your shirt off?" She asked 

Stubbornly, he tried to lift his shirt over his head wincing the moment he moved his arm. Monse knelt down to help. 

"You could have just said no." She teased, lifting the offending garment off of him before planting a kiss on his lips 

Cesar smiled, "My body hurts less than my pride right now cariña" 

"Pants." Monse said, rolling her eyes

Cesar stood up with only a little discomfort and popped the button on his jeans. Letting them drop to the floor, kicked them into a pile next to his discarded shirt and sat back down on the bed, only laying back when Monse was settled next to him. She turned off the lights, and the two lay in silence for a while. 

"I was so worried about you." Monse finally said

Cesar was glad it was too dark for her to see the blush on his face. "I didn't want you to worry baby" 

"I know, but I just never imagined that this would happen. I guess I figured Oscar might be scary to everyone else, but I never believed he would hurt you." She explained 

Cesar sighed, "Me either" 

He thought about how his brother had always seemed to be looking out for him. It hurt worse than any blow that Spooky wasn't supporting him now. Being put off was worse than the ass kicking. 

"What are you going to do?" Monse asked 

Cesar rolled over to look at her as best he could, brushing a curl from her face before planting a kiss on her lips. 

"I'm going to figure it out. I always do, so don't worry about me ok?" He whispered 

Her response was to kiss him back fully. Slowly the fire between them burned hotter and hotter. Monse relished the familiar feeling of Cesar's had cupping her bottom as they made out, before he rolled over covering her body with his. She almost didn't notice his grimace as his weight settled on his casted arm. 

"Maybe I should be on top?" She suggested 

Cesar looked at her hard for a moment, before rolling over and letting her climb onto his hips. Monse kicked her shorts and panties off quickly, before pulling his manhood through the hole in his boxers. She stroked him slowly, causing him to groan a little. 

"Please tell me you have a condom somewhere in this room." He begged 

Monse chuckled. "Bedside table." 

Cesar reached with his good arm. His ribs screamed in pain, but he ignored it. There were much more pressing matters that needed his attention. He handed Monse the condom and watched as she tore the package open and rolled the rubber contraption onto his member. There was something sensual about her doing it with her own hands. Cesar wished he could save that image in his brain forever. 

Moments later, Monse rose up on her knees and aligned their bodies, sinking onto him slowly to allow her body time to adjust. 

"Jesus" Cesar gasped once he was buried within her, he could already feel her tight walls fluttering with excitement

Then she starting to rock, releasing a tiny gasp when she found the angle she liked the best, the one that pressed against that sweet spot inside of her. It felt good to have him at her will. She liked being the one to control the pace, and she was enjoying torturing him as she languidly moved against him.

Unable to pass up the opportunity, Cesar reached out and touched the bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs. He stimulated her with his fingers as she began to move in a frenzy. He could feel himself nearing the end, and increase the pressure he applied with his hands. Monse screamed in pleasure, he felt her walls clench hard, squeezing him as she reached her climax. Moments later her followed her over the edge, spilling into the condom as he arched up into her. 

"You're amazing he whispered", as she leaned down to plant a chaste kiss on his lips. 

Monse smiled. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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