❝Can someone, 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚, tell me... when will I 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 feel the 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗺𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 of the 𝘀𝗲𝗮?❞
The deaths of Kyoko Mochizuki's parents was shrouded in pure mystery. The news claimed that their deaths were caused in a fit of p...
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It'sbeenexactly a yearsincethisbookispublished! InthefirstyearofPandemonium, itmanagedtogetatotalof 12k reads, 620 votes, 1.41k commentsand 15 CHsarepublished! All of your vote, comments, andsupportmademehappyandencouragedme. Eventhoughlifedidn'tgowell for me this year, atleastthere'ssomething I can be proudof.
As I promised, Iwill be conductingaQ&A tofillin your curiosityandatthesame time, beabletoshowyou my gratitude. TheQ&Awill be separatedintwo parts due to the cιrcυмѕтanceѕ, ѕorry ғor тнe delay. Before we begin, Iwanttothankeveryoneforleavingquestions! Itmade me so happythatthere's a lot of questions, I really, really, appreciateit. Withthatsaid, let's jump rightinto it!
Q from: AuthorErina - what made you think about making a Persona 5 book? Like what inspired you?
I knew someone would ask this. My reason is a bit shallow, so I'm feeling shy to share it. ^^" Actually, I've told a few people about it to resolve some issues, sooo here goes...
In the first place I created Kyoko due to my frustration of not getting to interact to an anime character. Usually, frustration is what leads me to write fanfictions. I first saw Joker/Ren when Jay (from Kubz Scouts) attempted to draw him in the game called 'Passepartout'. Although his drawing was hilarious, I couldn't get my eyes off of the picture he showed of Joker whom he called "Z-kun."