Chapter 17 (+18)

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After greeting her, they both started walking towards us, I tried to act like a normal and non-jealous person.

-Guys, this is a good friend Vanessa. Vanessa, this is Stuart, Trevor, Murray, Chris and my girlfriend Nikki. –she shook our hands politely, despite her smile I had the feeling that she wasn’t a good person.

We went to the backstage again and I got ready because Ed suggested to party all together, with Vanessa included. To be honest I wasn’t in the mood for a party. While I was getting ready Ed, Murray and Vanessa started to smoke a joint and they couldn’t stop laughing. The pub was nice, except for Vanessa. I didn’t know why but I couldn’t stand her.

Next morning we woke up at 7 am because we need to go to another city. Liverpool this time. I was little bit tired but I loved the idea of travelling with Ed so I didn’t care about being tired, headaches. Ed was doing the sound check when I took a moment to call my step-brother, who was already in USA.

-How are you doing with Ed?

-We are really fine. Although there is a thing I don’t really like.

-What is it?

-It seems that he is starting to smoke weed…

-God Nikki don’t worry about it, lot of people smoke weed.

-I know but I don’t really like it. You know I’m afraid he gets into drugs or something like that…

-That won’t happen. Ed isn’t like that, so don’t worry. In fact, I think you should do something special for him. He didn’t deserve what you did to him, to be honest. He is a cool guy.

-Yeah, I know…

He was right I did nothing special for him and although he was still lovely with me, despite what happened, I know he had still little bit of pain or maybe scared of losing me again. I needed to think about something cool to do.

Once he finished the concert, we went to a separately room of the backstage which had a bathroom. I locked the door while Ed was taking off his clothes in the bathroom. I took the advantage that he didn’t locked the bathroom’s door and waited till I Heard the water running on to enter in. I took my clothes off while staring at him, who was first cold as a Stone but then smiled when he saw me almost naked.

-We need to save some water, Mr. Sheeran. –I whispered on his ear, totally closed to him.

He turned me back, and he started kissing my neck and with the tip of his tongue went all over my back’s skin. I had shivers, feeling the water falling on me and also his hands stroking my thighs. I couldn’t wait to kiss his lips, when I finally felt his lips brushing against mine, I kissed him passionately while he made love to me. When we finished he took two towels and put one of them around his waist and the other one around his neck, letting me drying his hair. I loved his hair when he had just a shower, all messy and wet.

-What do you want to do tonight? – he asked me in a sweet voice while we were getting ready.

-Hmm…not sure…we could watch a film, and I mean watch it, not making out.

-Okay –he smiled and then we sat on the couch waiting for Stuart to come.- By the way, I’ve been thinking and this week we have some free days, what do you think about visiting my parents? If you don’t want it’s ok, I don’t want you to feel forced to do it. So…do you want to meet my family??

We are both a mess (an Ed Sheeran fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now