One - Weak

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Many years back.


Upon hearing that irritating voice, I clutched onto my lunchbox even tighter as I fastened my pace towards the cafeteria. Students had their eyebrows raised at us, probably wondering what was that guy up to this time.

However, I, myself, knew what he was up to.

To steal my lunchbox.

"Yah! Stop running!" He exclaimed louder, and I groaned in annoyance before halting my footsteps abruptly, causing him to collide onto my back.

What the-

Together we fell onto the ground, with me falling forward and him on his butt.

"Why did you stop running suddenly?!" He shouted as he stood back up, not bothering to give me a hand to pull me up from the ground.

Well, he was the Kim Seokjin, so I certainly wasn't surprised by his ungentleman-like attitude.

"Excuse me, you were the one who was asking me to stop running? Hypocrite much?" I glared at him as I stood on my two legs, mentally thankful that my lunchbox was still in a good condition.

My mum had woken up extra early today to prepare me this, so I wasn't going to let Seokjin steal my lunch away like how he would every single day. Smirking at me, I eyed him back warily when his gaze landed on my lunchbox with a chick design on it.

"Don't you dare." I warned him, prepared to leave him alone by whirling around to leave, but of course he wasn't going to let me do so.

He grabbed my elbow before pulling me towards him forcefully. And with him being physically stronger, I groaned in dismay when the back of my head slammed onto his chest.

"Good things are meant to be shared, Yoora love." Seokjin grinned, his eyes twinkling with pure mischief as he glanced down at my shorter form.

"No, go away! My mum made this specially for me!" I hissed before pushing him away and quickly dashed towards the cafeteria, ignoring the stares casted by the students who were watching the both of us just now.

Kim Seokjin and I... let's just say that we had been enemies since we were young. My family had moved into the neighbourhood when I was five, and lucky me, our house just had to be opposite to the Kim's.

Our mums had hit it off the first time they had met each other coincidentally when they were both exiting the houses together, and decided to be the best of friends ever since. But, it was never the same case for both Seokjin and I.

Unlike our mums, when we had first met...

We had given each other a sucker punch in the face.

You can't possibly blame two five year kids to fight when we both saw each other holding the supposedly limited edition toy in our hands. We never liked to share. NEVER.

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