Twenty - Intertwined

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"And I hereby pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!"

The small crowd we had invited cheered in joy as we kissed, his lips lingering onto mine a tad bit longer than what I was expecting. Smacking his arm, Seokjin finally let me go, and I giggled at my red lipstick staining his lips.

"Come here silly." I tiptoed and quickly wiped away the stain from the corner of his lips. "There, you're done."

"I love you so much, Yoora." Seokjin pecked my cheek again before guiding me down the aisle towards our families and friends who were still cheering for us.

"Eomma, stop crying! It's not like I'm leaving Earth or something!" I groaned in pain when my mother whacked my arm with a teary glare.

"You don't know anything! But I'm just glad that she's married to you, my dear." My mother patted Seokjin's arm. "My babies. Look at you two, from enemies to husband and wife. Gosh, I'm living the drama life."

"I know right. The weekly prayers in the temples worked." My now mother-in-law hugged my mother, making the both of us to roll our eyes before smiling at each other.

"Take care of each other from now on, okay? I know you'll always protect my daughter, so don't go and betray my trust, do you understand?" My father pointed at Seokjin with a serious look, but he broke into a smile before pulling him into a brief hug and a few pats on the back. "Im leaving my second most important woman in your hands, Seokjin. Mark my words deep inside your brain, alright?"

"Noted." Seokjin wrapped his arm around my waist, and after getting a similar speech from his father, we walked towards where our friends were at.

"Ooooh it's the newlyweds!" Yoongi shouted, making the group of people to whirl their heads towards us.

"Yoora!" Bomi and Rina rushed towards me before engulfing me in a hug, with tears threatening to fall from their eyes.

"Don't cry! What if your makeup gets ruined!" I laughed as they pouted sadly at me.

"We are just touched that you're finally having the happy ending you deserve." Rina smiled, and glared at Seokjin. "And you, you better make all the late night stay up sessions we had last time worth it. It was tiring to fangirl over you with this girl."

"Yah! I did not fangirl over him!" I quickly defended, my cheeks turning red.

Seokjin laughed. "You fangirled over me?! You were that whipped for me?"

"Shut up." I glared at him and knocked Rina's head playfully.

"Congrats on your marriage, noona." Namjoon came towards us, and looked at Seokjin who was eyeing him with a poker face. "May I hug your wife as a friend?"

"Just ignore him." I dismissed my husband before hugging my friend who patted my back briefly before moving away.

"Noona!" A cheerful voice whom I had not heard for some time hollered for me, and I found myself grinning even wider at the sight of Hoseok approaching me with his hands holding onto the girl's who was catching up with his pace.

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