Fifteen - Kiss

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Whatever Hoseok and I had done- which was the doctor patting my head mostly while being at an extremely close distance, was a certain win as Seokjin looked extremely pissed off as he got his makeup touched up. I nearly died of laughter when I overheard something his makeup stylist said to him.

"Jin, can you please stop biting your lips? This is my tenth time having to reapply the lipbalm onto you!" She had yelled.

Hoseok and I giggled as we walked towards the team who was going to pretend to be the medical team in the drama. With the second lead playing the role of a doctor here.

What was his name? It was a Kim, I was sure of it.

"Ahn Yoora-ssi?" A deep voice hollered my name, and I found myself looking at a man so handsome that I forgotten how to breathe properly.

"T-that would be me." I stammered, and scolded myself for being unprofessional before offering my right hand for a handshake. "I assume you're Kim..."

"Taehyung." The handsome actor laughed, his deep voice sounding like honey. Accepting my handshake, he spoke again. "Nice to meet you, like finally. I've heard so much about you."

"Me? What for?" I questioned out of curiosity, and saw him grinning cheekily.

"Well, that hyung over there just couldn't shut up about you. He's totally whipped for you." Taehyung pointed towards somewhere, and following his finger, I rolled my eyes when I realized he was talking about Seokjin.

"What did that jerk even tell you?" I scowled, making the younger boy laugh.

"That you're smart but fiesty. He specically warned me to be careful around you." Taehyung beamed. "But from what I had imagined, you're much cuter and smaller in real life."

"Thanks?" I replied him awkwardly and cleared my throat. "You'll be acting as a doctor right? My friend- wait, where's Hoseok?"

"You mean the doctor who has been with you? He's talking to Jin hyung." He pointed at the same direction again, and my eyes widened as panic settled in.

Wait, why was I even panicking?

Shifting my gaze towards where the two were at, I sighed in relief knowing that they weren't killing each other at the moment. They were in some deep conversation, their faces serious.

"Now I get why hyung is so protective over you. He has warned every single male actors here to not even bother flirting with you. He can be hella scary when he's mad." Taehyung commented, and when Seokjin and Hoseok turned around to look at us, the younger boy wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "But I love making him pissed off."

"What are you even?" I laughed, and Taehyung simply grinned at me.

"I'm Kim Taehyung, and am probably gonna die in three... two... one."

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