Five - Date

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"Ahn Yoora!"

I jolted awake from my afternoon nap when I heard footsteps storming into my dorm, and groaned when the password beeped, revealing Seokjin at the door.

"What do you want?" I whined as I covered my face with the blanket, but my warmth got stolen away when my blanket got pulled forcefully away, allowing the cold air to hit my exposed skin mercilessly, waking me up. "I'm going to kill you."

Seokjin rolled his eyes before pulling me up from the bed. "Come on, you gotta help me with my outfit!"

"For what-"

"I have a date tonight and I need you to help me with my outfit!" He rambled while dragging me out of my room, not bothering whether I was dressed only in an oversized tee with shorts.

My housemates who were lingering at the living room simply stared at us with questioning glances, not really shocked to see Seokjin barging into our dorm just to drag me out without my consent. This wasn't the first time for him to do so, and it really annoyed me as I didn't understand why couldn't he choose his own outfit by himself.

Why me?!

I felt my entire body burn as he continued to pull me towards the boys dorm, and I instantly felt extremely uncomfortable when they guys started to eye me from head to toe with lust practically written on their faces. My grip in Seokjin's hand tightened, and he seemed to had realized what was going on when he finally saw my outfit.

Cursing, he took off his bomber jacket with a swift movement before wrapping it around my waist. "Better?"

I nodded. "Thanks."

When we were finally in his dorm, I smiled at his housemate who waved at me as a friendly greeting.

"Hi Yoora noona!" Yoongi chanted as he spared me a glance before focusing his eyes on the video game he was playing.

When we were finally in his room, I plopped down onto Seokjin's bed lazily, using my eyes to watch him ransack his wardrobe with frustration. Sighing, I sat back up and walked towards him.

"Where are you going later?" I asked, pushing him aside as my hands started to search for something for him to wear.

"A local diner. But I want to leave a good impression, you know. I really like her, Yoora." Seokjin exasperated, his eyes now watching me choosing his clothes.

"You've been telling me that since your first date after entering uni, Kim Seokjin. Is there even a girl that you don't like?" I laughed, my hand now pulling out a blue button up. "Hmm, match this with your glasses and she will be heads over heels for you in no time."

At that, Seokjin grinned before snatching the clothing from my hand and proceeded to change in front of me. I couldn't care less about his body, I had seen him half-naked way too many times.

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