Sixteen - Insecurities

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"Jin! What's wrong with you? You've been doing well until the break! Are you alright? Do you need another break?"

"I'm sorry, and yes, a short ten minutes break will do. Thank you."

"It's alright. Everyone, take ten!"

And with that, the filming team started to disperse for their short break. Seokjin's manager was speaking to him, and he patted his arm while muttering something.

"Why is he behaving this way?" Taehyung questioned as he tore his eyes away from him to look at me who was writing down notes on a paper. "Yoora-ssi?"

"It's nothing." I lied, my hands continuing to write whatever nonsense I was writing.

"You two don't look fine." Taehyung sighed. "I know this isn't my business but is this about Dr Jung?"

Halting my pen, I nodded hesitantly before finally glancing up at him. Taehyung was puffing his cheeks out, appearing to be deep in thoughts.

"Dr Jung likes you, doesn't he?" He pointed out, and again, I nodded. "But you rejected him because of that idiot hyung over there."

I nodded again.

"And now that idiot hyung is sulking cause you care about the doctor, am I right?"

"You shouldn't be in the acting field, Taehyung-ssi, you should be some psychologist instead." I chuckled, and sighed deeply. "I feel guilty you know? Although it technically isn't really my fault that I don't reciprocate his feelings. I already have someone else in mind."

"Do you love Seokjin hyung, Yoora-ssi?" Taehyung suddenly blurted, and I instantly blushed at how nonchalant he had said the love word.


"I know for sure that he loves you. Very much, at that. Yes, I know that it isn't your fault that you have other guys falling for you as well, I mean, if you're not Jin hyung's, I would actually try my chances. But then again, I don't really like older girls, no offense." Taehyung paused, "That hyung can be really idiotic when it comes to something he cares about, so it's not surprising to see him acting so carelessly over anything that is related to you."

I listened tentatively to his words, letting every single word imprint in my mind. What he saying was true, there was no lie to it.

So many years, and it had always been Seokjin taking the first step when it was about us. All I did was simply wait idly at the side, and I felt useless at that realization.

He loved me more than anything, and I had blatantly ignored how he truly felt deep inside his heart, to let his insecurities haunt him whenever he saw me having someone else in my mind. I had taken advantage of his love for me.

Knowing what I had to do, I gave Taehyung a thankful smile while standing up. "Thank you, Taehyung-ssi."

"Now go get him, noona." He winked, making me laugh before ruffling his hair.

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