Nineteen - Unfair

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As the alarm blasted, I groggily opened my eyes and blindly searched for my phone at the night stand, desperately wanting the alarm to end. I could feel Seokjin stir at my side, and his arms pulled me towards him as he rested his forehead on my back.

When the cursed alarm was finally switched off, I sighed. Removing his arms around me, I sat up while ruffling his fluffy bed hair.

"Are you leaving already?" He whined, his hand clutching onto the hem of my shirt.

"I have to go to work." I laughed softly while leaning down to give him a peck before getting off the bed. "You better be up when I'm done."

"Okay." Seokjin mumbled as he started to snore again.

After washing up, I went to the kitchen to pour myself some cereals and milk to eat, and greeted Seokjin who was now fully dressed but with his eyes still slightly puffy. Preparing his own breakfast, he stood next to me in the kitchen and leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Can you skip work today? I have a free schedule today, so let's go have fun." He glanced down at me, and sighed sadly when I shook my head.

"Sorry, you know busy my work is." I patted his arm and placed my now empty bowl onto the sink before washing it thoroughly.

"When are you even free. I really miss being just with you. I regret supporting you to be a nurse." Seokjin groaned as he passed me his bowl to be washed before sulking by himself on the living room couch.

"Don't be like that. We can spend some time tomorrow if you want?" I tried to negotiate while standing behind the couch, and looked down at him.

"I have a shoot tomorrow with a clothing brand. And am not free after today until the next weekend." He replied coldly, his eyes still not looking at me.

After thinking hard enough, I finally gave in and called the hospital's nursing department to call in for an emergency leave for the day. I could tell that Seokjin was trying his best not to smile at me lying so smoothly as I spoke through the phone.

"Yeah, thank you. Bye." I ended the call, and threw Seokjin a dirty glare as he opened his arms for him to go towards him. Plopping down on his lap, I let him hug me protectively. "You're really the worst influence I have ever met."

"But you still chose to be with me." He giggled. "Should we pay a visit to our parents? My mum have been drilling my ears off about dating you but still not bringing you back home. She says she misses you more than me."

I laughed. "Yeah, that would be nice. My mum would be happy to see us too."

As usual, we argued on which radio station we should listened to on our way towards our old neighbourhood, and we were still bickering about who was better as we climbed the stairs towards his house. The main gate slammed opened, cutting our childish argument off abruptly.

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