Eleven - Strong

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"Is it true that you and the actor Kim Seokjin are dating?"

"The news showed the both of you leaving the hospital together yesterday."

Groaning, I shut my locker forcefully, on purpose, creating a loud banging sound. I frowned at the two nurses who had jumped slightly at the noise I just made.

"No we aren't. Why would we date each other? We live in two different worlds." I spat before turning on my heels to exit the store room, only to halt my footsteps when I saw Namjoon waving his hand at me.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He chuckled when I grunted in dismay.

"They just won't leave me alone!" I whisper-yelled my frustration, and that only make the doctor laugh even harder. "Stop laughing! You're not helping!"

"Sorry, I just find it hilarious for some reason." Namjoon replied as we walked towards the counter together. "But, are you two really not dating? I saw the way he was looking at you with hearts practically shooting out of his eyes and then when he looked at me it was pure daggers man."

I laughed at his description. "Seokjin and I are just childhood friends, nothing more."

Namjoon was about to say something else when hurried footsteps followed by shouts from the security were heard from the behind. My eyes widened when I realized that it was a paparazzi who was still somehow escaping the security, a huge camera and mic held in his hands.

And, he was running towards me.

"Go, I'll handle this man." Namjoon instructed while pushing me to run away behind him protectively.

"Ahn Yoora-ssi! You were captured leaving the hospital with actor Kim Seokjin yesterday night! Mind sharing some stories-"

"Sir, you're violating the hospital rules at the moment. I believe that we have the right to sue you for doing this right now." I heard Namjoon say calmly towards the guy he was blocking with his long arms, and looking back, I sighed in relief when the security was fnally there to drag the guy out.

"I'm sorry sir! This won't happen ever again!" The security apologized as he bowed before pulling the paparazzi out of the ward we were in.

Feeling ashamed as the eyes turned to focus on me in unison, I felt the need to hide and was about to leave the ward when Namjoon stopped me from doing so. His eyes softened as he glanced down at me.

"Are you okay?"

"Frankly speaking? No." I facepalmed. "I want to leave this place."

Namjoon's face dropped at her words. "What? What do you mean?"

"I'm going to request for a transfer to a district hospital rather than a city one. I kinda knew this kind of things would be happening, and since my friend is a really popular topic at the moment, it would be rational of me to transfer to another hospital that attracts lesser attention. I don't wanna cause chaos here."

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