Eight - Ramyeon

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"Guess what, I got recruited as an actor instead as an idol singer."

I choked on my soy green tea latte, tears brimming my eyes as the heat had burnt the tip of my tongue. A pang of nostalgia hit me as the scene where Seokjin was saying that he would become an actor replayed in my mind like a tape.

The boy whom I had grown up with, currently seated opposite me in the café, with his eyes crinkling together and his cheeks puffed up, was staring at me with a lopsided smile.

"I told you right, I would become an actor." He winked before supporting his head with his arms propped up on the table.

"You're really unbelievable." I laughed, and stretched out my arm to pat his head, still chuckling. "You've done well, Kim Seokjin."

"Now now, do you want a signature from a raising star to be?" He joked again, and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Someone's getting cocky already." I tutted.

"It can't be helped. I mean, look at my face." I was about to snap at him when he stopped me from speaking by leaning closer towards me, his hand blocking a side of his mouth. "The girls here are practically drooling over me."

Frowning, I shifted my gaze as subtly as possible towards the other customers, and true to his words, the girls were actually giggling with their eyes set on the guy smirking triumphantly. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"They wouldn't be acting this way if they know your true colours." I grinned.

"Well, you're still here." Seokjin reminded with a pointed look, and I huffed out my cheeks at his statement, admitting defeat as he beamed lopsidedly while drinking his own coffee.

It was a breezy Saturday afternoon, and Seokjin insisted to hang out with me after bugging me for one whole week after the date with Inho last week. He said that I owed him for lying to him.

Just admit that you wanna be with me, pfft.

"Why are you smiling by yourself? You look retarded." His voice disrupted my thoughts, earning a glare from me and he quickly raised both of his hands in the air as a surrender sign. "What does Inho even see in you fiesty woman."

At that, I immediately knocked his forehead with my knuckle. "Shut up, you don't know anything."

Laughing with his ears turning redder, Seokjin was probably about to retort something stupid when he suddenly stopped chuckling, his eyes focused at something behind me. Weirded out, I was about to turn around when he stood up abruptly and placed his hands on my shoulders, preventing me from shifting.

"Don't look." Seokjin gritted his teeth, his ears and neck red, the veins popping up at his neck.

"Hey, it's okay. You're very red right now." I patted his hands, and after tearing his gaze from whatever was behind me, he exasperated before pulling me up from my seat. "Wait-"

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