14. On The Move

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Ayla Moore's POV

"Sit still girl!" Telling Med to be calm while I apply her make up is taking a toll on me. Can anyone please knock some calmness into her?

"But Ayla! I'm not comfortable....yet " That's what she's been blabbering about since I announced that she needs a new look for college.

"It's just simple make up!" I'm excited for this contest. It's that one step which will help Medley discover the real her which got lost. I'm willing to give up anything to help her.

"Damn girl. That's some simple make up you got there." I give Lis a threatening look as she busies herself with chips.

"Lisa! Don't you dare spill anything on my bed. I just got those new sheets."

"Yes M'am! Med! We'll need votes! So calm down." She continues to eat and drops the crumbs. My bed sheet......

Finally done with the make up. She looks beautiful. Sob... My darling. I can't help but wipe my fake tears.

"Damn girl! If I was a guy, I would hit on you!" That was Lis.

"Well she's mine!" I hug Med defensively. We all started laughing at the small act being played out. Awwww... I just love my girls.

As soon as we entered college, boys were swarming over and asking for Medley's name. The thing is they already know her. But couldn't recognise her. The girls looked like they just transformed into monsters ready to hunt down Med. But hey.. She's got us! No worries!

I still remember when Med shut the whole world out and I felt afraid that she wouldn't even talk to me or Lis. But she did. But one thing is for sure... She was not the old Medley anymore. She had changed.

Please God....I pray that what's coming her way will only make her better and not worse.

"Hey guys good morning! Have you completed your--" That's Ken who stopped talking and was now looking at Med. I can't help but smile. Boy's got it bad.

"M-Medley? Is that you?" He looks wonder-struck.

"Ummm... Yeah. What's wrong? Do I look weird?" Med being Med is naive as ever.

"Y-You look different." Heck! It's annoying! So I pull both the girls and we walk past him. "Later Ken!"

Medley Stryder's POV

Today people seemed to notice me more. I feel exposed. I wish I could hide and just curl under my blankets.

"Hey sweetheart. Wanna grab a drink?"

"Thomas. It's me Med."

He looked utterly surprised. "Darn it! Med?" Thomas Lambert. Another playboy. Only playboy who is a member of the literature club. Really sincere in studies. My rival. And also my good friend.

"Disappointed?" I give him a questioning look. How much did I change that he didn't recognise me?

"Nah. You look good girl!" He pats my shoulder. "See you after class." Then strode off.

Okay you must be wandering how we're friends. Here's how,
1. I'm not his type
2. I'm not into his charms

It's as simple as that.
"Someone's famous!" Ayla gives me a mischievous grin.

"I'm still the same boring nerd who--" I was cut off by Lis " who is beautiful!" Awwww....


"Robert. It's the day after tomorrow." I gulp down the glass of water in front of me in one go.
"I'm trying." Was all I got.

"I'll play the other role. That way it'll be easier for you." The way his eyes lit up with so much hope almost scared me. I grabbed the manuscripts on the table.

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