13. love spell

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Everything was fine, back to normal, Savannah had started back school and summer was over. It was the 21st of November and she couldn't believe that she would be 18 in December! Noah had kept his promise to her and wrote every fortnight. His letters reasured her that one day he would come back to her.

"Okay today weee are reading Emma by Jane Austen" Ms Cavil announced clapping. The class groaned. Savannah sat in her seat grinning as she read Noah's letter.

Dearest Savannah,
I miss you so much it hurts, we've been sent somewhere dark and evil looking and it makes me miss you Evan more..

I love you so much baby,  and we will be together again I promisexx
But for now as our worlds and hearths are apart from each other I will always love you

Noah xoxo

She tucked it away smiling.
"Hey wait up"! Mia panted running up to Savannah, "did u run"? Savannah smiled as they walked towards Starbucks.

(Hey guys I designed a new cover tell me what you think in the comments x!)

"Hey how are you and noah" Mia asked as Savannah orders a black coffee with no foam, "um yeah we're good, he writes about everything" Savannah shrugged sitting in the comfy armchair, "Sav come on what's wrong"?  Mia asked

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"Hey how are you and noah" Mia asked as Savannah orders a black coffee with no foam, "um yeah we're good, he writes about everything" Savannah shrugged sitting in the comfy armchair, "Sav come on what's wrong"?  Mia asked. Savannah sighed softly as she sipped her Coffee. "I don't think the long distance relationship thing with me and Noah is working out, we write to each other but it's not the same as being held,kissed,or touched by him I've had doubts and I don't know if I should end it or not" Savannah said placing the coffee cup on the wooden table. Mia smiled sympetethicly at her.

                           *       *       *
Savannah sat on her bed, legs crossed with a stack of all of Noah's letters sprawled across the sheets, she knew what she had to do but her hearth was tearing in two. She picked up the notepad and wrote:

My dearest Noah,
I love you, so much but I don't think I can do this anymore. I'm so sorry. But you have to Know  this is one of the hardest things I will ever have to do in my whole life.

I know you think I stopped loving you as soon as you read this but that's  not true, I love you more than anything else I want you so bad but I can't sit around waiting for you to come back to me, please don't write, I couldn't bear it if you did, this us goodbye,

Savannah xx

Savannah posted it. She lay on her bed the duvay wrapped around her and the tears would not stop falling.


Savannah"? Her mom whispers, she felt her moms arms wrap around her waist from behind hugging her which made her cry Evan harder, she grasped her Moms hand sobbing. "Shh baby it's all gonna be okey" her moms voice cracked at the end, but it wasn't, Noah was not hers and she was not Noah's... they were shooting stars in the sky.....

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