17.War of heart's

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I stared at Noah and his eyes bored into mine. "Hey" I smile and walk over to him wrapping my arms around his waist, and buried my head into his shoulder. Feeling his arms wrap around me , embracing me. "Who's he"? Noah whispered in my ear. "Alex he's saying things that u don't want to believe" I chuckled. He stared at me confused. "He's saying that im a witch" I whispered softly as he watched my expression.
"What the hell?!" Noah shouted at Aled, who was still watching me, "listen I'm a warlock I can feel the energy dripping from her, it's more powerful than anything I've ever felt in my life" he says carefully. Inside of my hearth I feel as though he is right. "How"? I ask stepping forward, "I can tell u anything and everything but I'm private, werewolves and the magical relm are enemies he can't know anything I'm telling you" he said. "Noah's my boyfriend I'm not gonna keep anything from him" she growled at him, trying to keep her anger in. "Fine! Listen from the moment I met you I knew your were the chosen one" Alex said his eyes swept over me and noah. "Chosen one"? I questioned, "in our world theres always one witch or wizard that has more powers than the rest, she or he is the only one that can defeat him" Alez said sitting on a log, he looked as though he would rather Savannah get up and just come with him someplace.
"Defeat who"? Asked Savannah who sat beside him. "Your father" he said looking at her with fearful eyes. "That's impossible my dad died 5 years ago in a car crash" she protested, "he didnt die Savannah he went back to the underworld he stole the throne belonging to his sister whom he killed, but that crown does not belong to him it belongs to you" he said as Noah glared at the both sitting so close together.  "Throne for what"? She asked, he smiled gently at her, "your kingdom, but he does not know of the power you possess, if he finds out he will think just because you are his daughter that you will come over to the dark side and ruin what's left of Athar" he breathed harshly. "Your scared, I can feel it  how come i can feel every emotion your feeling right now"? Savannah asked gazing at the boy who had just changed her beliefs about herself. "We're connected" he smiled warmly at her. She returned the smile then saw Noah with a hurt expression on his face. "I better get home" she said as she stood. "Come back her after school tomorrow you need to know more about yourself " Alex insisted. "I will" she reasured him and left with Noah.

Noah's pov

"I dont trust him" Noah sighed as he lay on the grass at the meadow. "Do you trust me"? Savannah asked as she climed up his torso,"yes" he said. "And whys that"? She smirked. He gazed up at the beautiful girl who was his and only his.
"Because I love you" he grinned,  "then you know what to do" she nibbled on his ear, he suppressed a moan but continued to tease her. "And what's that"? He asked, gripping her hips. "Make love to me Noah" she begged as  she rolled her hips against his. "Are you sure "? He asked her, yes" she nodded and kissed him

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