14. brunettes

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"Oh Savannah but your hair is nice are you sure"? Mia asked as she rubbed the brown die in her hair. "Yes"! Savannah said.

10 minute's later.......

Savannah looked at her light brown/ blond roots. She looked different but pretty,"cute" Mia clapped her hands. Savannah laughed and brushed her hair until it looked somehow good.

"Take a break" Savannah's Mom smiled taking the chemistry book out of her grasp. She had been studying for the past 3 hours to keep Noah out of her head. "Mom this is my only distraction from Noah don't" she said tearing her gaze from her lap to look at her Mom, her mom frowned and gave Savannah back her book and left the bedroom. Savannah sighed sadly and returned to looking at the small words that couldn't be read anymore because her tears had spilled into the white pages. She shoved the book out of the way and lay down on the bed her head sore from no sleep. She shakingly picked up her cell and dialed Noah. "Hey this is nosh leave a message" his voice mail spoke . "Noah... why hasn't you wrote to try and talk me out if what I did" she sobbed, "because it's over and I can't stop crying at the thought, I deserve to be happy Noah" she cried and hung up. She trewthe cell phone across the room and it smashed. She got up and spotted the photo of her and Noah. She wanted to smash it like her cell but couldn't...
She walked over to her draws and pulled out the stack of letters he wrote her and opened one:::

Dearest Savannah,
I couldn't sleep last night because your body wasn't within reach. I wanted to press your beautiful body against mine and fall to sleep with your head on my chest like it always would.

I love you, I never knew what love was until I met you, I was dark, mean to my mother who cared deeply for me and to all the people who cared about me. I didn't love them I only loved my mother but I never cared for anyone ... until you. You came into my life at a time when all was dark and you brought sunshine wherever you went.

Love Noah xoxo

Savannah new that it was over this time because it's been fed months and he hadn't written....
She had to let him go, and maybe that wasn't a bad thing if she didn't love him but she did.

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