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What time was it?

Where were you?

Why is your mouth so dry?

Oh, right, you were drinking last night.

You slowly open your eyes and look around.

Light dapples onto the floor through the window behind you, next to the bed.

The curtains slightly open, casting the shadow of the trees outside, waving in the breeze.

Gingerly, you sit up and take note of your surroundings.

This is not your room.

The bed you were sleeping on had dark blue covers and was slotted in the corner of the room, next to the wall beside a large window.

A few steps away from the foot on the bed was a small cabinet with a tv on top, you could see games consoles and games tucked away inside the cabinet through the glass panels of the doors.

To the left of the games corner was a large desk with a computer monitor and various pieces of music production equipment; large speakers, a microphone and more leads than you could count.

The door to the room was to the left of that. Tracking further round to the left, adjacent to where you were sitting, there was a large wardrobe with pictures on the doors. Smiling faces of some people you recognised but many you didn't.

Next to the bed is a small table with a glass of water on it and a small clock next to that.

It was 11am.

Taking a small sip of the water, you try and judge how shakey your legs were feeling, swinging yourself round to sit on the side of the bed.

You notice you're wearing a long shirt. It must be Kino's.

Then it hits you.

This is Kino's room, but where the hell is he?

Deciding you deserve to at least be hydrated, you take the glass with you and start to step out of the room.

You have no idea what the layout of their flat is, but the smell of food wafting from on of the rooms gives you a sudden strong sense of direction.

Pausing at the door, you catch the tail end of the conversation.

"Come on, tell me, how was it?"

"I'm seriously not going into details, It's none of your business."

"Such a killjoy. When did she leave?"

"She hasn't, she's asleep in my bed at the moment. I left a glass of water next to her when I woke up."

"Wait seriously? You usually kick them out as soon as the deed is done, what happened?"

"I don't know, we just fell asleep and then I woke up this morning and she was still there."

"Woh, who are you? And what have you done with Kino?"

"Ahaha come on man you know I'm not really like that. Besides, she's cool, she doesn't know everything yet though, I doubt she'll stick around when she does. It's just not practical you know?"

"She might, you don't know that. You've just been scouted, not enlisted for military service. You haven't even accepted anything yet"

"I know. It doesn't mean I'll be any less busy though if I do accept it. I'm getting ahead of myself anyway."

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