daniel seavey • don't change (1)

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all night, all night, you've been in your mind. we were supposed to be leaving, but you keep overthinking.

"hey y/n," your boyfriend, daniel, said through the phone.

"hi daniel." you smiled from hearing his voice.

"so i'm coming back tonight," he said. he had been on tour for a month and was finally coming home.

"i know." you chuckled.

"we could go out to dinner or go see a movie or something," he said.

"you sure?" you asked. "i was thinking we could have just stayed home you know?"

"i mean we can, i just thought i'd take you somewhere nice. whatever you want it's your choice."

"we can go somewhere."

"okay. i'm heading home now, i'll come pick you up in about two hours okay?"

"okay. i love you."

"i love you more baby. bye."

"bye." you hung up and dropped your phone on the bed. you lay there for about half an hour, watching tv. then you got up to get ready.

you looked in the mirror and sighed. you turned all different ways to look at yourself and just sighed. daniel had been gone for a month on tour. meeting all kinds of people. girls that were prettier than you, funnier than you, smarter than you. you were worried that daniel would come home and not feel the same about you because you weren't as pretty as others.

you went through your closet to try to find something cute to wear. you pulled out a dress and smiled. you hadn't worn it in a few months but it looked so good on you.

you put it on then went to the mirror. your smile immediately faded. what had happened. you used to look so good in the dress, but now all you felt was fat.

you hated how you looked. it was a short dress that showed off your legs, but your thighs looked huge in your eyes.

you shook your head and went to your closet. you hated that you didn't look good. you looked through your closet and found another dress, a longer dress.

you put it in then looked in the mirror. now your arms looked fat. you moved the dress around but you still looked fat. you started feeling frustrated with yourself.

you went back to your closet to try to find something to wear. you were running out of dresses that you could wear. you looked at your shirts and picked out a nice blouse.

you continued searching for outfits hating how you looked in every single one of them.

soon you heard a knock on your front door. you texted daniel letting him know that the front door was unlocked so you wouldn't have to leave your room.

"hey you ready love?" he called.

"um...yeah almost!" you lied. you looked back and forth in your closet trying to find something.

after about twenty minutes of you tearing apart your closet, you heard daniel again.

"babe, are you gonna be ready soon?" he asked.

"yeah!" you lied again. you sighed in frustration. you grabbed a sweatshirt and sweats before going out to the living room. daniel was standing in the kitchen.

"oh, good i was about to come back- are you wearing sweats?" he asked with a slight smile. you plopped onto the couch and brought your knees into your chest.

"you alright?" he asked. he walked over and sat next to you, putting his arm around your shoulders.

"i'm sorry," you said softly.

"no it's fine, we can just stay-"

"i'm sorry i'm so fat. i don't even look good in the clothes i have because i'm too fat."

"what? y/n, no you're not fat."

"yes i am. my thighs are too big and my arms are like fat noodles. and my stomach, oh my god. i'm so fat. and i'm so ugly."

"you're beautiful baby. what happened, why are you so down on yourself?" he asked, grabbing your hands. you took your hands back and covered your face, feeling yourself start to cry.

you felt tears stream down your face and soon your shoulders started shaking. daniel wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest.

"baby, what's wrong?" he whispered.

"do you think i'm pretty? like do you really think i'm pretty? because i don't."


"you met all those beautiful girls. all those girls you met were so much prettier than me. and they love you just like i do. so why are you still with me?"

"baby look at me." he grabbed your hands but you pulled away from him. "look at me."

you let him take your hands and you looked at him. he kissed your fingers before looking at you.

"my fans, all of those girls, they're beautiful. they are. but they could never compare to you. you're the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. that's why i told you that the day that i met you."


"no, stop. you're gorgeous. and those girls love me, but they don't love me like you love me. and i definitely don't love them like i love you."

you chuckled and looked down at your lap.

"i don't know what happened, if someone said anything or something like that, but it doesn't matter. because you're my gorgeous girlfriend. and you're perfect just the way you are. i love you just the way you are."

you smiled and leaned up to kiss him. he held your face and moved his lips on yours.

"i love you y/n. i love every single part about you. even the things that you don't like. i love all of you."

"i love you too daniel."

this is the first of five imagines based off of "don't change" i really love the lyrics and i think they're important for everyone to hear so i hope you liked this imagine :)

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