jonah marais • face masks

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"hey babe, you wanna come to a party tonight?" your boyfriend, jonah, asked over the phone: you sighed and ran a hand through your hair.

"i don't know. i'm breaking out really bad from stress because of finals and stuff. i think i'm just gonna stay home and study, but you can still go."

"no, it'd be boring without you." you smiled. "i'm sorry you're stressed, but you'll ace these finals."


"i'll let you get back to your studying then."

"okay. i love you."

"i love you more." you smiled and hung up, turning your music back on. you grabbed your notes and flash cards and started studying for your college finals.

about half an hour later, you heard a knock on the front door of your apartment. you sighed and got up from your bed, annoyed from being interrupted.

your annoyance was soon replaced with happiness when you saw jonah standing in your doorway.

"i asked christina what to get you. she recommended these face masks and moisturizers and stuff, and i figured we could both do them and i could help you study," he said with a smile.

"i love you." you chuckled and stood on your toes to kiss his lips. you closed the front door and took jonah's hand, leading him to the bathroom in your bedroom.

you put your hair up before you and jonah quickly washed your face, hen you applied the face mask on each other.

"do you want it all over your face?" he asked. you nodded and he rubbed the cream all over your face. you giggled as he bopped your nose.

"what about you?" you asked.

"do my nose, forehead, and chin," he said. you nodded.

"you're gonna have to sit down so i can actually reach your face," you said. you both laughed at how short you were compared to jonah. he sat on the edge of the bath and you stood between his legs, applying the face mask.

jonah put his hands on your hips and sat you on his knee. you smiled and pecked his lips.

"okay, i set a timer," jonah said as you both went to your bed.

you both got situated sitting next to each other. you grabbed your flash cards and handed them to jonah.

"quiz me," you said. jonah nodded and quizzed you for your history exam.

you got through all of the flash cards right as the timer went off for your face masks.

"baby, you only missed like two, you have nothing to worry about," jonah said.

"i just wanna be prepared." you shrugged. you both got up and went to your bathroom, taking turns washing off the mask in the sink.

you went back to your bed and started studying for your science exam.

"science is my worst subject, so don't laugh if i suck," you said.

"whatever love. you're one of the smartest people i know." you laughed and shook your head.

you and jonah spent the whole night studying. it wasn't until around midnight that you decided you were prepared for your upcoming finals.

"i'm starving," you complained. "but i need to shower."

"i'll make you some food and you can shower."

"really?" you asked, your eyes lighting up.

"yeah." he chuckled. "what do you want to eat?"

"i'm craving avocado toast," you told him.

"done." you smiled and sat on your knees to lean over and kiss him.

"thank you." you kissed him again before getting up to put away all of your study materials. you then went to take a shower.

you got out and brushed out your wet hair before putting on your pajamas, shorts and one of jonah's old baseball shirts.

you went through your skincare routine then went to the kitchen. jonah was filling a class of water when you came in. you stood next to him and he wrapped his arm around you, kissing your head.

"you smell nice," he said making you smile.

"so do you."

"it's the cologne you bought me," he said with a cute smile.

"i noticed." you both chuckled. jonah grabbed the plates and you grabbed the glasses and went to the table. you both sat down and quickly ate your toast. you offered to wash the dishes while jonah went to shower.

you went back to your room and knocked on the bathroom door before going in to brush your teeth. you came back out and got into bed.

jonah came out of the bathroom with a towel around his hips and his hair all messy and wet.

"didn't i leave an extra pair of boxers here last time?" he asked. you nodded and pointed to one of your drawers.

he grabbed them and went back to the bathroom to put them on and hang up the towel. he brushed his teeth with the toothbrush he left at your apartment, then got into the bed with you.

you lay on your side and jonah pulled your back against his chest, spooning you. his legs tangled with yours as he kissed the back of your head.

"you sure you didn't wanna go to the party?" you asked.

"are you kidding? i'd choose this over a party any day." you smiled as he leaned forward and kissed your cheek.

you looked back towards him so he could kiss your lips. you moved your hand back and cupped his cheek in your hand.

"i love you y/n," he whispered.

"i love you jonah." he tightened his arms around you and lightly drew shapes on your stomach, quickly putting you to sleep.


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