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I jolt across the backyard and stand in the street. Thankfully I'm clothed, or I really would've been embarrassed. I spot the girl and the mother on the phone with the police. Suddenly, sirens come out of nowhere, and the police step out of the car. "Where is she, ma'am?" The sheriff asked. "She ran away but she looked...deformed! Please find her so she won't run through our neighborhood again," the girl begs. The sheriff nods and tells all the children to clear the area. I try to blend in with the little kids, but unfortunately 7-year olds aren't almost 6 feet tall. I sigh and jog down the street and barge into the house.

"What happened, honey? I heard sirens," mom says in a concerned voice. "Nothing. I just want to go to bed," I say, my face inside a pillow. Mom leaves the room with the door cracked and the light turned off. I turn over, staring at the half moon. I sigh, and close my eyes.

I wake up instantly, and the sun is up. Quickly, I run downstairs and take a pop tart for breakfast. "Bye mom!" I yell and run out the door. The school is a few blocks away, so the walk isn't long. I step into the school and take a breath. "Here we go," I say to myself. The school hallways are full of cheerleaders and jocks and nerds. I don't know where I'll fit in. "Hello! My name is Penny Washington! You must be the Goth Girl. What's your name?" The peppy girl asks. I freeze, staring at her. She's the same girl that saw me transform last night! "Um.....I'm Jana," I stutter, walking past her. "Well hi there, Jana. Do you already know anyone here? Do you need a schedule? Who's your first class with? Mr. Oliver?" Penny questions. I feel something tingling in my arms, and find that it's my white fur growing.

"Um, look I don't know anybody and I don't plan on it. Just get out of my way so I can at least get my schedule," I growl. Too much pressure on me can get me upset quickly. "Ok then," Penny rolls her eyes and goes over to...I'm guessing her boyfriend since they're making out in the middle of the hallway. "Typical quarterback and head cheerleader couple." I hear a voice behind me, and turn slowly. The boy reaches his hand out and says, "Bradley's the name. How are you?" I stare at his hand and reply, "I'm fine. Why are you talking to me?" Bradley puts his hand down and wipes his pants. "Well, I hate to break it to you, but I'm trying to be nice." I walk away and yell, "Well it's not working. See ya!"

I finally reach the front office and get my schedule. Walking to first period, I spot Bradley and Penny going in the same direction I am. "Oh look, it's the Goth Girl," Penny calls out. Out of instinct, I growl at her and change my growl to clearing my throat. "Did she just....growl at me?" Penny says. "No...I just uh....cleared my throat," I say. Penny rolls her eyes and struts to the door. I walk behind her, not wanting to start anymore drama.

"Hello. My name is Mr. Oliver, and I will be your first period every other day. The schedule is pretty simple if you have me for first period. Tomorrow, you will have me at the end of 6th period, and after an hour you will be dismissed to your lockers," Mr. Oliver says in his rich Australian accent. "He's our gym teacher. He always forgets to mention that," Bradley whispers to me. I jump, and nod my head without turning to face him. "Now," Mr. Oliver says, "here are your gym uniforms. We will start class by getting to know each other outside. If you have already payed your fees, you may come and get your uniforms now and meet me out on the track field." Everyone stands up to get their gym uniforms but me. I sigh, and walk out to the track field.

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