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Bradley and I are dating. My mom doesn't know. It's too bad. I never really noticed how hot Bradley was until he became a wolf. I guess he's my mate, or something. I don't know. Today, we're getting a new student and I hope she's nice. "Class, meet Ms. Tabitha Johnson. She's a transfer student from London. Please be nice to her," Mr. Oliver says. He glares at Penny and says, "Please." "Hi." Tabitha takes a seat by Bradley and blushes. I stare at Tabitha intently and growl. "Um, I said hi," Tabitha says, waiting for a reply from Bradley.

"Hi, Tabitha. I'm Bradley," Bradley stutters. I squint my eyes and take a deep breath and smell Tabitha's hair. "Not a wolf, but she smells familiar. Excuse me, Miss Tabitha, but do you know who I am?" I ask. "Um, I don't think so," she replies. I lift one eyebrow and suggest, "Here, smell my hair. This'll help." Tabitha hesitates but sniffs my hair. Her eyes get wide and she stays there for a few moments. "You," she mumbles. I nod slowly and force her to say the next few words she couldn't get out of her mouth. "You're the one I turned into a wolf, aren't you?" She asks, dumbfounded. I think about it and nod. She falls out of her chair and everyone snickers.

"But you can't, not possible," she says, thinking out loud. Mr. Oliver looks at Tabitha on the floor and asks, "Is something wrong, Tabitha?" "I'm fine, thanks," she replies, getting back in her chair. For some reason, I growl at all of the snickering students. Is it because she made me a wolf? Is it because I'm supposed to be protecting her? I don't know, but I have to find out about her and why she attacked me.

After P.E., I catch up to Bradley and Tabitha. "What were you thinking to bite me?" I ask. "I'm really sorry. My friends forced me to chase you, but I never meant to turn you. We were just messing around, and I saw a squirrel in the distance. Out of habit I started biting until I could catch up, but I never meant to bite you. I'm so sorry," Tabitha apologizes. "Yea, well it's too late for that. Tabitha, it's been THREE YEARS and now you come to apologize. It's not going to work like that," I yell. Tabitha stands there, shocked. "Come back here! I don't know why I bit you anyways. You can't even accept what you are! You're a wolf! A freak! A monster!" She shouts.

I stop in my tracks, fur growing from my arms already. "Calm down Jana. She's just mad," Bradley soothes. "Yea, I'm mad too," I mumble. I walk over to her and shove her against the lockers. I let the locks dig into her back until she grunts. Mr. Oliver's scent is faint, and I let go. "We're not done yet, little girl," Tabitha says, pushing me to the floor. "Leave her alone!" A booming voice calls that silences the hallway and leaves everyone running. It's mixed with a snarl and a regular voice. I turn to see Bradley standing beside me with his claws out.

Tabitha laughs dryly and says, "You're just a weak puppy. You can't beat me!" Bradley growls at Tabitha and charges for her. He punches Tabitha, and she turns around laughing. "You're not supposed to hit a girl, Bradley. You should know better," Tabitha smirks, and claws Bradley's back. I can barely move, but I manage to trip up Tabitha and leave her there. In a few seconds, I heal myself and start punching Tabitha with my claws. "Don't mess with Bradley!" I scream, clawing her face. I leave her there with just enough blood for her pulse to keep beating. I step on her stomach and say, "And don't call me a freak."

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