01| Chapter One

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"Life is a cliche story, believe me, I know."

Let us say that my life is a total mess right now, why? First of all I messed my school life, lost half of my reputation, got into a fight, had several panic attacks and broke my heart. And you know what's the cherry on top of this mess is? All of this shit happened in five freaking days. Looks like someone forgot to read their this months' astrospeaks. But I must not forgot my moms' words,"Be kind and stay strong". Wait wasn't that supposed to be Cinderella's mothers' last words? Anyways, so where was I?

Oh, yeah when did this started happening? Well the real shit started happening three days ago when I received my friend turned admirers' message.

Him: hey, we need to talk.

Me: Yeah what?

Him: It's nothing. We just talk too less

Me: Yeah, after all you are out of the town.

Him: So anything new happened.

Me: yeah; I was given a dare to go and propose Adam, which I did, and now the whole class is after us, shipping us together.

Him: oh

Me: please don't be mad at me, I don't even like him.

Him: I'm, I told you about the girl I study with, right?

Me: yeah, you did.

Him: She's coming near me. And idk why I am developing feelings for her.

Me: So you want to say, you like her, right?

Me: You can like anyone you like, we can still be friends.

Him: I didn't say that but she's cute.

Me: No, it's okay, I know everyone is more beautiful than me.

Me: After all my life is so fucked up, God fucked me do bad.

Him: Want to get fucked by me?

Me: No thank you, I am fine like this.

Me: Bye

Not lying but I literally heard my heart break into one thousand, seven hundred and twenty nine pieces. Don't ask me how I counted but I did. I need someone to talk to. Oh God, this fucking hurts, so is this how Juliet felt when she was not allowed to meet her true love, Romeo. Only difference is that he wasn't my true love, but I had developed feelings for him; strong feelings. So the next thing I did wasn't crying and blowing my nose with those fancy tissue papers, neither did I ate my favourite ice cream and chocolates; however that would had been a great idea. I took out my laptop and began searching for some app called bottle-something, I don't remember what it's called but I typed it in the search box on Google play store, thanks Jeez I remembered how the icon looked like. Oh! So it's called Bottled: bottle your thoughts. I was pretty close but that doesn't matter now. I clicked download and agreed all the terms and conditions. Once it was downloaded I did all the shit it wanted me to do, you know make your ID and password stuff. Once I was done I sent my very first bottle into the sea, well actually I threw it.

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