02 |Chapter Two

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"So class, we are going for a farmhouse trip on November 22nd so please bring 600 rupees for the same" our class teacher told us and we all groaned. It's not like we don't like trips, we just hate going to farms and seems like we don't have another choice.

Good for me, I never like picnics, trips and stuff like that, I might be popular but going out and having fun like others isn't my thing. I would rather love to sit in my comfy banker and watch physics lecture. Boring, right? I know.

"So are you going?" Melissa, my friend asked me.

"I would love to but I've got other important things to do." I said and her smile turned upside down, forming a deep frown.
Hmmm...that rhymes.
"Like???" She asked.
"Like studying chemistry," I told her and my choice of subject made her rose her eyebrows.
Hey everyone loves chemistry, don't they?
"Like you always do" she said and we both chuckled.
"Oh, c'mon baby, you will love it, we are going to make it a lit" she said, her eyes shining like two comets (yeah comets, I don't have any other word to describe her beautiful eyes)
"No" I said and she groaned.
"The last day to submit the money is 16th and I am going to make you go" she said.
"Good luck then, you are going to need it" I said and opened my notebook to copy down some zoology notes. Boring? I know.
The next few days passed in a jiffy and I finally gave up, looks like she got a handful of luck and sunshine in her pocket, would she mind if I borrow some of it? Because I seriously need it.
But how come she managed to make me go to the farmhouse? Well that's a secret that's better not shared.

"So are you going to the farmhouse?" My friend turned admirer asked me.
"It's none of you business" I snapped as I waved my middle finger to him.
Now, you would ask me, why did he cared about me going to the farmhouse or not after all the shit he did to me. So let us travel back in time, some 4 days back.
I was talking to Alfredo when I received a message from him.
(Yes, I didn't blocked him because I didn't expected him to unblock me)

Him: I cannot forget you.

Him: Are you there or have you blocked me too?

Him: I really miss you.

Him: I am sorry

Him: do you still trust me

Him: ???

Me: it's okay

Me: I guess si

Me: *so

Now don't ask me why I decided to text him back. Okay maybe I thought forgiving him was the best thing I could do. After all Cinderella's mother was a nice wise lady.

Him: Do you still love me?

Okay, this wasn't something I wasn't expecting at all. And I decided not to say anything at all.

|Back to present|

"Why is he still after you?" Venessa, my partner in crime and all the classes asked me.
"I don't know what's his problem"I said.
"Dickhead" she commented and I chuckled. It wasn't what she said but the way it came out of her mouth was hilarious.
"So what's going on?" Melissa asked popping out of nowhere.
"Fuck dude, you scared the shit out of me" I said, my hands subconsciously touching my chest.
"Sorry"she said and giggled softly.
God her laughter is like music to my ears, if I were a lesbian I would have been head over heels for her, if I were a lesbian, which I am not.
"I can't understand the problem with that dickhead" Venessa said and pointed towards Sebestian (my friend turned admirer) which made Melissa sigh.
After all that girl was madly in love with him an year ago.
"Why are we talking about him?" I asked them and they shrugged clearly indicating their lack of interest in the subject.
"So what are you guys wearing for the party tonight?" I asked.
"Ooo!!! I am going to wear the black leather jeans and my white silk top" Melissa said.
"I will go with my signature black velvet dress" Venessa said and smiled.
"What about you?" They both asked.
"Well it depends on my mood, but I think the black biker's leather jacket and leather shorts will do just fine" I told them but I was interrupted by a cough.


"Would you ladies leave us alone for a second?" He asked and the girls instantly left me with him, wiggling their eyebrows in an awkward manner. How come they are able to wiggle their eyebrows like this?

"She is all yours" they yelled before running away.

"Would you like to be my date for tonight's party?"
Wait; was I being asked by the school's golden boy? The last time I checked he like Alistair ('the Queen of hearts', as I like to call her).
Something is fishy for sure.
But anyways the only way to ask is say yes.
"Why not?!?" I said trying to sound as normal as I could.
"I am going to pick you up at seven then" he said.
"It's better if you bring your bike along" I winked at him before turning around and joining back my group.

"So what did the Romeo said?" Melissa asked.
"He is going to pick me up for the party at six" I said and both of them gave each other a high five.
Just then the chemistry teacher came in and we all groaned.

That's all for today.
Hope you guys are enjoying it.
Please keep reading because the plot is going to be filled with a lot of humour as the time passes by.
Thank you.
And also I would like to mention my Elder brother by nine hours (Saksham Goel) 's girlfriend.
Anushka Saxsena.
She is a wonderful person and has the most charming personality. I am happy that my brother found you as his true love.
Thank you for your time.

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