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Chapter 12

It has been like ten days and the butterflies in my stomach keep on erupting like hot lava from a volcano whenever I see him.

Today I am going to start talking to him, no matter what.

The class got over and I packed my bag and got out of the class.

But how the fuck am I supposed to talk?

He came out with his friends and I stood there dumbstruck, as he passed by me completely ignoring my existence.

"You should learn to be yourself outside your friend circle, or else you will never get a boy," Zach said and I groaned.

It's one of my weaknesses, inside the school I am a tigress ready to kill anyone, but outside, I can't even speak, I need my friends to be around me to fucking act like what I am.

"I fucking don't know how Zach," I said.

"Just text him, you are yourself when you text" he said, "Get his number from the WhatsApp group, okay" he said and I nodded.

He's right about that...I am a really influencive texter.But still, I can be shitty at times with certain people.

The car in front of me honked, and the man inside signaled me to sit in.

"Dad's here," I said but stopped because Zach's face portrayed an unexpected shock.

"Bee, you called you father dad!" he said and I shared the same shocked expression as him.

WOW! It's...unbelievable.

I shook my head in disbelief.

"I will talk to you later bro," I said and started walking towards the car.

"Only if I am not busy with Audrey" he yelled and I shook my head.

I will start my conversation with him.


I rolled on my bed like a panda and started muffling random stuff.

I got his number from the WhatsApp group but....

Text him, my sub-consciousness said

Nooo! He will think of you as a creep, my consciousness battled.

Just text him na, my sub-consciousness whined.

Think it like this, he will think of you as a creepy girl and you will never have a chance with him, argued my consciousness.

And, if I text him, maybe we can just be friends, at least it's better than admiring him from far, my sub-consciousness said and won.

I grabbed my phone and dialed his number to save it but then it hit me...I, Phoebe fucking Halliday, forgot his fucking name. Without thinking twice, I saved him by the name, 'Mr. Goody in Two Shoes'. After all, he did seem innocent.

ME: Yo Mr. Goody in two shoes

"Fuck you paranoia," I whispered before tapping the send button.

*Message sent*

"He is going to think me of as a creep for sure" I whispered again and buried my face which, if Ivan was here would have said was as red as a baboon's ass, deep into the pillow.

One minute passed and no reply came.

See, I told you he would think of you as a creepy freak.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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