The feeling in which you know you should do it because you know whats gonna happen but you choose to really not do it is nerve rocking. Fudge.
This is the definition of being lazy. Since I don't wanna get my ass outta there because I'm comfy here or even happy here than whats gonna tag me if I come out just then.
So crazy.
Have you ever had that feeling when someone big-or-not-that-big had complimented you or supported you then you go all happy-sappy.
Because no matter who they are especially if that person is unrecognizable and is sweet, I'll be damned to take it for granted.
Oh, did you know that I'm never been excited in tomorrows except if that tomorrow is labeled as Saturday or Sunday then no, there's no problem at all mate but if not then I'll just kill my remaining time by sleeping until 3 am then walking like a zombie on the hallway inside the school campus.
Why did they even created school if almost all the humans living in this world can't even give a fuck about it.
They suck it up but deep inside they tried hiding their demons because they can't do something about it in exchange for what they like or want most.
Just accept it that we have different views and goals in life.
You know what?
Because of school I had it worst in me to keep on eating pale-plain lessons that teachers always said they had it serve with golden spoons but they never know that when they turned their backs to continue scraping for more discussions we had it already vomited because even if they said vegetables are healthy not all are tasteful in our tongues so we pick but now why can't we?
Is it because they can't think of something big for us to get us a lined perfectly from where we really belong? That is it too tiring to change things from how it works to what really works. I thought humans are more intelligent but why do animals can live more peaceful than us who even put their lives at risk and worst took their lives on the hands of cruelty.
Tell me how can we change something that fuck us all in different ways from mental-emotional-physical to everything that our body can't cope up far from the damned superhero that humans had made us see in televisions because we all know that it was made by many crews and other stuffs to make it seem so true or what about its cost that could feed many hungry other human beings.
We're always confused.
We always pinpoint something but again became useless.
Do we even have a chance to plan for an escape and be free when the time comes where we can see it clearly, when you can see it already how it fucks all of us?
I guess I know the answer.
You'll think about it then when you felt like you can't because your afraid or don't know how then news flash mate
there's no impossible.
I guess this is what we call sorry excuse of a human being. Sad.