The dead queen

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A scream pierced the night, people looked at each other in shock. Confusion writen on their faces. The doors to the grand hall burst open, a young, blonde maid rushes in and collapses to the floor, sobbing her heart out. Clutching at a blood soaked robe, she wails.

King menelaus rises slowly confusion marring his features. "What is going on? What's happened? Where's the queen?" He booms at her. At the mention of the Queen, the girl wails even louder, rocking back and forth drastically. Shaking her head while clutching the rag to her chest even tighter.

He strides towards her menacingl. "I will not repeat myself again girl! WHERE! IS! THE! QUEEN!?" the girl, throws up her arms, shakes the rag and screeches at the king, "SHE'S DEAD MY LORD!"

The king stumbles back as of an invisible hand had struck him. His breath comes in short pants. He stumbles back towards his chair and sinks into it. "And your sure?....... are you sure she's dead?" The girls nods, tears streaming down her face, gulping she replies "yes, I brought her a fresh gown to change into.

She was still in the tub she had her back to me so I called to her. When she did not respond i walked towards her. That's when I noticed the bath water  turned pink. I noticed the cuts on her wrist. M'lord she's took her own life!"

The king  leaped out of his seat and runs towards the open doors. He runs as fast as he can down the halls, adrenaline pumping through his veins, he reaches her quarters. He throws the silk curtains to the side and steps silently and slowly towards her figure in the tub.

Bending slightly at the knee, he holds his breath. The water was cold, red and lifeless. She laid there peacefully. Head tilted to her left. He reaches out and strokes a strand of hair from her eyes. A loud sob, erupts from his throat. Soon enough the king is pouring his heart out beside his dead wife.

His body racks with each sob. After a while he calms. He stands to his full height. It's only now he realises he has an audience. His brother agamemnon, achilles and odysseus stood staring in pity at him. He nods sharply at them then strides from the room.

Reaching his own quarters he clings to the silk curtains around his four poster bed. No words or sounds came forth but his body sagged to the floor. His heart ached. Why. Was she that besotted with the young buck he had slain? Did her heart ache just as much as his did now?

Why? What did he do to deserve such punishment? Was he that barbaric and beastly she could not bring herself to love the man she had wed? Birthed a child to? Was he unlovable? Did the gods do this to punish him for a crime he could not remember? Maybe in a past life?

With the thoughts racing around his aching skull, he allows the darkness to wash over him.

troy: menelaus's Amazone queenWhere stories live. Discover now