all hail sparta....

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She knew they were near,when she saw maids, guards and servants young and old bustle to and fro. She sighed deeply. It had been three weeks since the funeral. They had sey him in a golden tomb up on the hills. The priest had read the rites and then they'd burned his tomb so that he could join the gods and become immortal.

But now was the time of the Spartans arrival. And now she was dreading it. A man servant burst into the room and had bellowed that they were at the gates. The people quickened their paces. And righted everything to perfection

Safina hid behind the column and waited patiently. Loud, booming footsteps sounded, coming closer and closer until they stopped right in the middle of the floor. Velourtas stands to greet them. They shake hands and agamemnon bellows cheerfully, "I'm sorry to hear of your father's passing! He truly was a gift from the gods. Where is your lovely sister? Safina isn't it? How does she fair? Weeping I suppose? Most females tend to have a secluded morning phase, where they prefer to be alone and weep away their sorrows." He turns at the last bit and explains to menelaus.

The king reacts with a piting strained smile. Nodding he also shakes my brothers hand and also adds, "yes it's a troubling time, she should have all the time in the world to recover, after all he was an exceptional man. One of a kind and he will sorely be missed. His presence was always radiating the room."

My heart melts at his words inside. I smile softly to myself. No matter what anyone said about him or his 'temper' he was a sensitive man that obviously thought the world of her father just like she. Bracing herself she steps from around the pillar and softly speaks.

"My Lords, it's so kind of you to come here and offer your support in this troubling time. It's been quite hard as of late. I'm sorry I wasn't here when my brother was here to attend to you how was your journey? Smooth I hope?"

I held my hand in front of me, menelaus was the first to reach my hand. He leans down and kisses it so slightly. His lips feel warm and soft. His eyes never left mine. My lips part ever so slightly, but his eyes dart to them and darken at their action.

Once all introductions were made. Small talk was given, throughout the whole meeting, king menelaus would speak to the others but his eyes never left my face. Even when I wasn't looking at him. I could still feel his gaze on me, raking my body and undressing me with his eyes. I felt hot and quite uncomfortable for some reason.

By my fourth cup of wine, I was feeling quite lightheaded and drunk. I smile politely and clear my throat quietly. "I'm afraid you'll have to excuse me gentlemen but I'm going to retire, thank you all for this evening. I hope sleep finds you well." I bow slightly and walk out of the hall.

It's not until I'm standing on the balcony at the end of the corridor, that I realise I'm holding my breath. I let it go and it comes out as a sob. It catches in my throat and I wrap my arms around myself. Closing my eyes i inhale deeply.

Two strong, warm, muscular arms wrap around me. I wrench my eyes open and stare up. Blue eyes stare back at me. Menelaus stares down at me. Pain evident in his eyes. No words pass from his lips. But he just stares at me. Holding me tightly as if reassuring me that he would never let me go.

My eyes brim with tears, his hand comes to the back of my head and he holds me close to his chest. The tears stream down my face. The warmness soaking his chest. I mumble an apology. He just hushed me and kisses the top of my head.

I don't know how long we were stood like that for. Him holding me tightly and me wrapping g my body around his. But the sun was hot on my back and I tilt my head back to gaze at him. He just smiles softly, gazing back. He starts to move his mouth towards me.

A warm electric thrum settled between my legs. I wet my lips and lean towards him. His hands slides down to my rear. He squeezes it and pulls my bottom half against his. My hand rests on his chest and the other snakes up and around his neck.

I pull his head gently down towards me. He complies and wraps his arms around me even tighter. Lifting me up he sits me on the edge of the stone table. Away from prying eyes. It was nestled behind an ivy hedge.

I gulp, my mouth going dry. His lips crash with mine and the hunger consumes us both. Like starving prisoners, we fumble with each others clothing. He pulls back and unsheathes his dagger. He puts it to her neck. She widens her eyes in fear. Thinking he was about to cut her throat. But instead he slashes it across. Severing her dress from the shoulder seam. It drops to the floor. And instead of fear, she widens her eyes in understanding then lust.

He rips his loin cloth off. Til he too stood as naked as a bairn. His eyes were dark as he stalked closer to her. His hands roam her arms, then her hips, up over her toned stomach. Then lastly to her breasts. His thumbs reaches her nipped and begins rubbing them in circular motions.

She closed her eyes and leans her head back. A moan escapes softly. He kisses the Base of her neck and works up towards her jaw. He takes her lips in a fit of passion and she moans into his mouth.

His left hand moves away from her breast and down towards the little nest of hair, between her legs, he reaches two fingers out and starts rubbing her pearl. She jerks and cries out. He chuckles deeply. Safina decided she loved that sound.

The wet suckling sound was loud Safina hid her head quickly but menelaus would not allow her to. "No! I want to see you come undone. I want you to see what you do to my cock. Feel it come here it won't bite." He guides her hand to his shaft.

It was hard and warm, but it was smooth and bumpy. How could that be? It fascinated her to no end. Kicking her lips he guided it towards her mouth. Pulling back she frowns. He nods, "it's ok, this is what a woman does to make a man more.... successful to fitting inside."

Understanding dawns. Opening my mouth I approach slowly. I feel excited about tasting him. I'd never tasted a man before. A buzz rushed all over my belly and pooled in between my legs the warmth seeped out and down my thighs.

"Wider. Open wider, that's it, yes good girl, oh that's it. Yes like that suck harder, oh that's it baby yes that it good girl oh baby!" He moans as she sucks him with haste. She drags her tongue across the tip and he hisses. Grabbing a handful of her hair he shakes his head.

He picks her up and places her across the table. Her legs were wide open. She could feel the air whipping at it. Laying her head back, she closes her eyes. She doesn't feel him and wanders if he had left. She's about to open her eyes when all of a sudden.

His cock thrusts inside of her and pain bursts inside her belly. She flings her eyes open and opens her mouth to scream. He clamps a hand on her mouth and stops her. The look on his face told her he would comply to all her wishes if asked.

Her heart raced as did her mind. His touch, his scent drove her wild, is this what love at first sight was? He pushed her higher then the clouds. Minutes turned into hours. Suddenly she felt a knot in her belly.

Thrusting in her passionately. They gaze into each others eyes. Holding each other close like driftwood in the sea. At least they reached the peak together. Their cries echoing and startling a few birds in the nearest tre. To which they both burst into a fit of laughter.

Menelaus helps her dress and quickly dresses himself. He takes her hand gently, giving her an approving look.sje blushes furiously and allows him to guide her to her quarters. He bends over and kisses her outstretched hand.

Bidding each other goodnight the lovers part ways. Each with a foolish grin upon their faces. Soft spoken dreams awaited them upon their slumber. Each not knowing what the gods had in store for them.

troy: menelaus's Amazone queenWhere stories live. Discover now