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The Greeks had arrived at the amazones camp. Tethering their horses they take big strides towards the main tent. Entering the see how lavish and cosy it was. The fire was burning even though there was no need for the heat.

A table laden with food, was sitting in the middle of the tent, out came aimilios in all her glory. She was looking radiant. And when her eyes rested on menelaus, she smirked. Menelaus frowns. What was she smirking at? How did she know who I was?

"Welcome..... hopefully as my guests. You will be healthy, happy and without judgement. For my warriors sparr just like men, we eat, fight, sleep and even fuck like men. Please be..... courteous and understanding. These are not just women.

One wrong word or look.... anything that will disrespect my women and they will not hesitate to kill you. Please follow me, for I have a gift for all of you." The men follow her. Out of the tent into the unknown.

They see lots of smaller tents. Harbouring women wearing battle armour. Some even unclothed. But never the less as soon as the began walking all eyes were on them. Some curious. Some blank. And some even with disgust on their face.


The men couldn't help but feel ashamed. For what they did not know. But they were soon to find out............


I roar as she comes at me full pelt. I swing my sword and it comes crashing down onto her shield. I keep kitting and hitting. Unaware of the eyes on me. I was too absorbed. But my fighting technique was impeccable.

I was the best of the best. I was aimilios's right hand. I had started at the bottom and proved myself with my fighting techniques. I had won the respect, and gratitude off of all the women here. Even aimilios.

The girl was tiring so, I decide to ease up for a second. Bad mistake. Very bad. She swings her blade straight across my exposed stomach. Causing a slice straight across. She grins up at me as she notices the blood trickling down.

I too grin madly back at her. And narrowing my eyes. I have her. She gulps and her face pales as she notices my change of demeanour. I pull back my head. As if I was watching the sky, then with a furious flick of my head.

I bring it crashing down onto her skull with a sickening thud. She sways for a mere second then falls into a heap on the floor out cold.

I grin blood coating my stomach and arms. I raise my sword to the heavens. And the roar of the crowd is deafening, they all celebrate my victory. And it's not until my eyes reach his, that I see who is standing there. Menelaus.

He stands there mouth gaping open. His eyes roam over my whole body. I feel as if someone had thrown a pail of water onto my whole body. What was he doing here? Why now? My facial expression comes crashing down.

How did he find me? Why? Why now? Was it accidental? Maybe he doesn't know it's me. Maybe he's just struck by my fighting skills. I cross over to aimilios. She smiles warmly and arms outstretched, booms "ah! That was once again outstanding! Well done.....

I'd like you all to meet my right hand, my second in command,my best warrior..... Safina." They all stare at me, menelaus looks at me in awe. Agamemnon looks at me blankly. Achilles looks at me in approval and Odysseus just looks at me in shock.

I bow to them and then address my leader. "Has there been any more word from the front?" When I said the front I meant the front line. We were fighting against so Indians.  Or Persians as they called themselves.

Persians.... more like pussies to me. They just fought from behind their walls. They dare not come out to face us and that frustrated me. She shakes her head and speaks softly, "no.... but we're close. I can feel it.... few more days and the white flag will raise up. Have patience saf.... all will be well. The gods will not defy us."

I nod curtly at her and begin on my way to my tent. She calls me back. Confused I stand in front of her. "These four men will shadow you around until they are trusted to remain alone. I would trust no one else." I grind my teeth together.

Seriously?!?!?! This was all I needed. But I didn't argue. I nodded sharply. Satisfied I would comply  she glides away like a summer cloud. I glare at them and let out a long growl. Turning I walk to my tent. Not caring if they stayed or came.

My maid and (cough..cough) closest friend... (my lover) daphne, rushes to meet me. She leans in to kiss my cheek, but I pull back. She looks pained for a second. But then notices the men behind us. And makes it seem as though she was helping me remove my armour.

Menelaus glares at her suspiciously. She takes off my breast plate and shield. She places them to the corner, to be cleaned later and sets about main drinks. I kick off my sandals and drop myself into a chair.

I rub my hand over my face and sigh tirelessly. I stretch my body and my bones cracking under the pressure. Daphne is back with drinks and food. She places it on the table in front of me, catching my eye she smiles gently.

I send her a small smile, thank her and send her on her way. I didn't need any more drama or even stress. I grab a cup and down the contents in one drink. I place the cup onto the table again and refill it.

After my third I lounge and rest my head back against the chair. Closing my eyes I dismiss them instantly. Without even moving or opening my eyes, I say to them, "sit..." there was a moment of silence. Then I hear chairs being scraped back.

I scoff quietly to myself. Agamemnon starts to talk and what he says next makes me feel sick to my stomach.

"So I think we need to talk don't you?"  Gulping I sit upright and stare back into those cold blue eyes.

Ooh!  Holy capThey've found her and now agamemnon wants to talk to her??? Can't be that good. Well til next time.....

Bye peeps.....

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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