Chapter 9*

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I had made it through the first week, and now all I had to do was make it through the report before I could officially say it was the weekend.

My maids woke me up earlier than usual that morning, so that I could be perfect for the report tonight. That didn't mean that I was happy about Sarah waking me up at the crack of dawn.

"Do I have to?" I groaned, burying my head in my pillow. There were definitely a few other curses thrown in there that definitely weren't very flattering.

"Get up you lazy butt," Sarah called from the bathroom.

I groaned, but I got up and went into the bathroom where they were running bath water. They finished bathing me and drying my hair before giving me a dress to put on. It was cream colored with a clear material over it that had a red and blue floral design. The dress touched the floor even in the red heels I was wearing that buckled around my ankle. The only jewelry I had on was the bead necklace that I wore all the time and the ring my parents had gotten me when I was eleven.

I wore light makeup and the girls had brushed my hair behind my back and clipped some of it up with a small flower clip made of silver. I grinned at them in thanks before heading out to breakfast.

Everyone there were in the most extravagant dresses. Layla stood out in a bright yellow dress, and Angel looked like her name sake in a light blue dress. "You both look great," I said as I sat down.

"Thanks, you do too. I would have never been bold enough for those shoes," Layla exclaimed.

I lifted the hem of my dress and showed off the bright red heels. "Eh, they're nothing special. The people won't even see them."

"It's a shame, you look great in them," Angel said.

I was going to say something else, but the royal family entered. Frank dismissed us to sit, and the food arrived. No one else was eating due to nerves, but I happened to eat more when I was nervous. I had stacked my plate with waffles and fruit.

Layla looked at me funny before saying, "Where does all that food go?"

"I don't know," I answered honestly.

After breakfast, all of us selected headed upstairs after Mrs. Holloway. We reached a classroom on the west end of the castle on the third floor. We filed in and sat in the seats that had our names on them. I sat in the front of the third row. Cassidy was off to my right, Brittney was behind me, and Carmen was to my left. Layla was sitting near the back and Angel was right next to her. I kind of envied them because now anything wrong I did, Mrs. Holloway would see.

"Good morning girls," Mrs. Holloway said. No one said anything back, so she said, "When someone says good morning you should always respond. So let us try again. Good morning girls."

"Good morning, Mrs. Holloway," We all chorused.

"Better, now, these classes are going to be used as your chance to learn how to become queen. Today we will be learning about the family tree of the royal family." Mrs. Holloway said all of this as she walked around fixing everyones posture.

She reached me but had to keep walking because there was nothing to fix. She didn't seem very happy about that. "Who can tell me the founder of this country?"

A few hands went into the air. "Lady Reagan," Mrs. Holloway called.

One of the girls who had ridden here with me the first day started to speak, "King Saturn was the founder," Reagan said.

"That's very correct. Now can anyone tell me what other countries that King Saturn had control over?"

No ones hands rose, and there was mass confusion as my hand went into the air very slowly. "Lady Victoria, do you think you know?"

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