Chapter 68*

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The rest of the week went by well. I woke up, listened to Zagan's plan for the day, then went through mine. It wasn't ideal, but I was finding it easier to not be around him twenty four seven which was good.

I finally had my first nightmare less sleep Friday. I woke up and stretched out only to freeze. There was no one on the other side of my bed. I reached over to my bedside table to see if Zagan had left a note, but he hadn't.

My heart began racing, and I sat there in silence for what felt like thirty minutes before wet hands cupped my cheeks, "I'm here, love. I had to take a shower. I was hoping you wouldn't wake up yet is all."

I looked up at him and smiled softly as he pressed his lips gently to mine, water dropping from his hair and onto my face. When he pulled back I sighed in relief, "Sorry for freaking out," I muttered, stepping out of bed and heading toward the bathroom.

"It's okay. I understand I promise."

I smiled again and shut the door behind me in that bathroom. My maids arrived a few minutes later and helped me take a shower before letting me change into a light blue skirt and a white button down blouse.

I left the bathroom and met back up with Zagan outside. He shot me a soft smile before taking my hand and leading me out of the room. I wanted to mention that it would be bad if he was caught coming out of my room, but I couldn't bring myself to care.

As we walked, Zagan talked about the meetings he was going to throughout the day. "I have a meeting with Chiron," I said, knowing it was the only thing I had going on today.

"Really?" He asked, knowing I felt better when I got to tell him the details of my day too. "When?"

"Right after breakfast. It's more like a class sense the other girls will be there, but I guess I'll get over that."

"Do you not like them?" He asked.

I raised an eyebrow, "No, their both great, I just like having Chiron to myself."

He rolled his eyes at me and let go of my hand. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah," My voice got softer at that. Zagan seemed to want to say something, but I walked into the dining hall before he could.

Angel greeted me as I sat down. She had a grin on her face as she went into a full rant about the date she had been on with Zagan the day before. I had known she had one through Zagan, but I liked to hear the details from her.

The royal family entered later. Rachel had entered seconds before that, brushing herself off and sitting only to have to stand again seconds later. Frank dismissed us all to sit before taking a stand at the front. "Girls, I have some good news. We are going to be flying to Illea as soon as the report is over tonight."

Angel and Rachel both exchanged looks, though Rachel did not seem happy with this new idea. I on the other hand was ecstatic. "Now, you may all tuck into your meals."

The rest of the day flew by until the report. That began as usual, and then Frank announced our traveling, "We will be leaving for Illea soon, and will be there the rest of next week."

Then we started the selection part of the report. Each of us got extra time because there were now only three of us. Angel and Rachel went first, and then it was my turn.

"So, are you excited to go visit family?" Connor asked.

"Absolutely," I said, a grin on my face. "I'm super excited to go home again after so many months here. It's amazing here and all, but home will always be home."

"Of course, I'm sure everyone here would agree with that statement. By chance are you guys going so you can see your brothers top three selected and help him to make his final decision."

"Well," I said, pretending to ponder the question. "I'm sure you'll find out that information soon."

That was the end of the night, and we left from there straight to the planes. We were all piled into one plane, and I didn't even feel slightly bad when I sat down next to Zagan, squeezing his hand.

Rachel looked like she might kill me as she took her own seat. I knew she was the only one here that would ever have a problem with it. I didn't feel like feeling like shit the whole ride though. Between the two, I would much rather deal with her evil eye every now and then.

Once we were high enough in the sky, I leaned my head on Zagan's shoulder and closed my eyes, slowly falling asleep.

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