Chapter 10*

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"You're already halfway finished!" Layla cried as I told her about my family tree. "I haven't even started."

"You realize it's due today," I responded, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah, but that's beside the point. Can we come by yours to work on ours?" Layla asked, pouting.

"Yeah, you didn't have to act like my little sister about it," I laughed, turning back to my breakfast.

"You have a little sister?" Angel asked.

"Yeah, she's six and one of five of us."

Angel's eyes widened, and I smiled and finished my breakfast. We all headed out followed by Cassidy into my room. "How is it so clean?" Layla asked. "Mines been a mess since the first day."

I shrugged and dismissed my maids with a simple look. "You guys can sit where you please."

Angel took the floor with Cassidy. Layla looked around for a few more seconds before taking a seat as well. "Do you have pictures of you and your siblings?"

"Yeah, I have just this one," I said, passing down a picture of my siblings and I all at the beach for Owen and I's fifteenth birthday, as well as a few different items for them to work on their assignments with.

They each passed it around before beginning their family trees. I turned to mine and began to fill in the pictures. Soon I was coloring and finished with the entire thing. I made sure to change my siblings names around before sighing and saying, "I'm finished."

"How?" Cassidy groaned from her picture that barely had the outline done.

"I started yesterday. You guys can take what you need, but I'm going to go ahead and turn this in."

They all nodded and took their leave. I left as well and headed straight up to the fourth floor where I knew Mrs. Holloway's office was. I made it to Mrs. Holloway's room and knocked on the door. There was a yell from inside, "Wait a second." I waited patiently for her to open her door.

After a few minutes of waiting, Mrs. Holloway opened her door. "Oh, it's you. Well I suppose you can come in." I restrained from rolling my eyes and nodded politely before entering the room.

Her office was neat yet cluttered. Everything seemed to have a place. Standing in the middle of the room was Hazel. I almost breathed a sigh of relief. At least I wouldn't have to face Mrs. Holloway alone. "Good morning, your majesty," I said, curtsying.

"Good morning, Lady Victoria." There was a twinkle in Hazel's eyes as she said it.

"What are you here for, Lady Victoria? The queen and I are discussing very important matters here." I again restrained from rolling my eyes and handed her my family tree.

"I'm here to turn in my family tree." I made eye contact with Mrs. Holloway, almost daring her to say something.

"You're the first to turn it in. You do understand that this must be your best work." She was smirking, and I wanted so badly to reach across the table and wipe the smirk off of her face.

"I did my best work, ma'am, and I also understand that a queen always gets her work done as soon as possible so that she is ready if something else is thrown at her." I would not make eye contact with Hazel. She shouldn't see how uncomfortable I was.

"Well if that is it, the queen and I," She was cut off by Hazel.

"Actually, I think we are done, Lady Victoria, will you please accompany me out." Mrs. Holloway's face paled, and she lost her smirk.

"Yes, your majesty." I turned and walked out, close at Hazel's heels.

She led me down the hallway to her office. "Here, go in. From what I've heard you weren't able to catch your family's report. Watch that then feel free to IM your family. I know that they've been waiting to see you for a while. Plus you seem like you could use a call." I smiled at her and thanked her before entering her office.

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