Chapter 33*

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I'm pretty sure the main reason I got out of having to wear fancy clothes was my absolute hatred of flying. I was in sweatpants and a t-shirt as I exited my room to meet up with my friends and get on the plane. I had my art supplies bag slung over my shoulder as I stepped outside.

All the rest of the selected turned. The least dressed up of them all was a girl I didn't know very well who was in a pair of athletic shorts and a shirt. I smiled at her before turning to my friends who were all at least in jeans shorts and cute shirts. Cassidy was in a skirt though.

"You're very...underdressed," Angel said, choosing her words very carefully.

"We're going to be on a plane for the next day. If you expected me to be in anything else, you had the wrong impression of me," I grumbled, not happy that we hadn't had breakfast and that it was so early in the morning.

Cassidy looked like she was going to say something when Mrs. Holloway walked up to me. "This is extremely inappropriate."

I looked over my shoulder as a door opened. The entire royal family was dressed similarly to me. "I don't think it is," I said, keeping my voice as sweet as possible as we headed for the cars. I was extremely upset to hear that Mrs. Holloway would be coming with us to Swendway.

The car ride was short before it was time to get on the plane. I'd love to say that I got on like a normal person and just moved on with my life. I guess I was just a little on edge for some reason though because I hung back as the others entered the plane.

Of course, Zagan spotted me and sighed, "V, it's going to be okay. Nothing's going to happen."

"You don't know that," I called to where he was standing. I could feel my entire body shaking as I looked up at the plane.

Now you may be thinking, haven't you been on a plane before. The answer to that question is yes. Sometimes I just get on because I have other things on my mind. It's easier when I do, but now, my mind was blank, and the idea of getting on that plane with those four girls made me want to hurl.

Zagan's hand was on my shoulder seconds later as he used his other hand to make me look at him. "It's going to be okay. Do you want to ride with me?"

I wanted to say yes so bad. It would ease all the nerves I was feeling, but I knew that wasn't an option. I needed to face this alone whether I wanted to or not. "I'll be fine. See you tomorrow," I said.

He looked at me, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Okay." He pecked me on the cheek before leaving.

I turned back to the plane, steeled my nerves, and went inside.

Cassidy and Layla had taken the two seats on the farther part of the plane. Angel was sitting where there was one more seat left. "About time." Angel took one look at me, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I muttered, sitting down and triple checking the buckles, "I just really don't like planes."

"Oh," Layla said, having overheard our conversation. "My dad hates heights too."

I wanted to say that I didn't think she fully understood. The plane lifted off then though, and my hands found the arm rests, gripping them like they were my tie to the world.

Everytime the plane did anything but fly smoothly, my stomach did backflips. I was almost glad we hadn't had breakfast. After all, I think I would have thrown it up by now.

The pilot gave us the okay to unbuckle. The other girls did so cheerily, taking out their things and beginning to occupy themselves. Layla was knitting, Angel was reading, and Cassidy pulled out a small device that began to play a movie.

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