Chapter 1

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First chapter!

Idk I just got a random ass idea and wanted to execute it before it was too late

This will more than likely become a short story but who knows!

*shrugs* I might just be bold enough to finish it!

Anyways, onwards. Let's get it poppin!
It started on my 13th birthday.

As soon as I blew out those candles, the pain started. It was a slow-burning pain, the kind you get when you scrape your knee? Except now, it was multiplied by a million, spreading to each of my limbs like wildfire

My mom immediately took me outside towards to pool. At first I was confused because it was in the middle of November, but when she tossed me in like a sack of potatoes and I sprouted a long, slimy blue tail, I think I understood why just a tad bit.

Yup, you guessed it. We're Merpeople

Not the ones you see on T.v where they touch the water and only have 10 seconds to find an obvious ass hiding spot to conceal themselves. We are similar but, I'm talking about the scary kind. The ones with razor-sharp teeth and equally sharp claws. The ones who sprout aquatic wings and rip apart innocent people who just happen to stumble upon our hunting spot.

That's us. God I do love a good storytime! Anyways, after my first transformation, the cravings started. I didn't pay attention to it at first because I thought I was just dehydrated.... boy was I wrong.

Nothing could quench my thirst. Sure water helped for a little bit, but I knew I needed something more Alive.

I got my first taste of blood at 15. I was in a fight and the dudes nose started bleeding. The smell was so intoxicating, I couldn't help but take a lick (Off of my knuckles of course....naughty readers)

After that, I was a goner. I literally took a bite out of this kid's ear, mid-fight, and all. The satisfying crunch of cartilage only fueled my desire to have more. Thankfully, I was pulled away before I ate him whole and taken out of school.

The rest is history. We constantly move now to sate my hunger, seeing as, I'm still a fledgling and I don't have much control over it. Once I hit 18, I'll be able to join the rest of my pod for a two-year retreat. There, I'll learn everything I need to know so I don't fly off the handle again

Besides that, I'm just a regular 17-year-old boy. I get semi-good grades, I'm a great cook! And let's not forget, I'm a wonderful powerbottom

I'd say that counts towards something!

"Riley! Get down here and put these groceries away!" Mom yells from the kitchen. I roll my eyes and close out my laptop. Strolling downstairs, I let out an exaggerated sigh in my mother's ear.

"But MOMMMM" I whine "I don't want to start over again". She looks at me with a fed-up smile and shakes her head. I expose the whites of my eyes and pretend like I'm dying

"Sweetheart, nobody told you to eat the neighbor's dog, then TAUNT them about it" She huffs, passing me a roll of paper towels "I get that your still young but come on now! You should have grown out of eating small animals!"

"I rather eat small animals than lose control again" I stared blankly. She winced at my comment and turned towards me with a sour look on her face.

"Look, I know you aren't comfortable with eating people-" She mumbled, making me look at her in mock surprise

"Really" I drawled "What gave it away? Was it the fact that I openly stated a million and one times that I hated it, or was it the face I made when I chewed?"

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