Forward and Backward

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Laban Vanot is the one screaming from the top deck of the ship, shouting that he can see the American shore from where he's standing. Instantly, the other children race up to the deck, running right to the bow of the ship and nearly tumbling over it into the water. A few adults meant to be supervising run after the kids, grabbing the back of their shirts, trying to make sure that they don't fall into the water and drown. Once they've recovered from nearly falling, all of them start to scream and cheer.

Laban himself is standing directly on the bow of the ship, balancing so precariously that it's a wonder he hasn't fallen yet. A second later and Aiga is doing the same thing, both boys grabbing each other's shoulders to avoid falling.

The only kid not up there is Suoh, whose absence Fubuki instantly notices. The blond boy starts thinking about it, to the point where it's driving him crazy. Suoh should be up there! Him and Fubuki should be leaning over the ship's railing and cheering about being able to see the shoreline. They should be excitedly talking about their next matches, and how they'll be held in America. And once that ship reaches the dock, Fubuki should be introducing Suoh to his idol, Kurenai Shu.

But none of that is happening, and none of that will happen if Suoh continues to act under Hell Salamander's control. If that's even what happened. Maybe Suoh really is this harsh, and he was hiding it that entire time.

No, Fubuki tells himself, I would've known. I've seen every side of Suoh.

But for crying out loud even Phi came up there with everyone else. Sure, he isn't cheering or anything, and he's just sort of standing there, watching everybody, but he's still up there , and Suoh is nowhere to be seen.

"Fubuki!" Ranjiro says, dragging the blond boy closer to the railing. "Look! Isn't it beautiful!?"

Fubuki finally gets the chance to really look at it, instead of dwelling about Suoh. The shoreline is barely visible, covered in a thick layer of fog, looking like a grayed-out silhouette of the real thing. Towering above it is the grayed-out silhouette of the Statue of Liberty, the landmark of the American shore, and the telltale sign that they'll be landing in New York City. Nearby, there's a flashing light, a bright one, one that's telling the ship where to go in the middle of the intense fog. It has to be a lighthouse of some kind.

"Wow..." Fubuki says, staring at it with childlike wonder in his eyes. That's where Kurenai Shu is, and that's where the next tournament match of the WBBA is being held. It's right there, and Fubuki feels like he could reach out and touch it if he tried.

Of course, he knows he can't. He would be reaching out for no reason. It's not like it would get him closer to it or anything.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Ranjiro puts a hand on his shoulder. "I can't wait to see it up close."

"Neither can I," Fubuki admits.

Laban and Aiga hop off the bow of the ship, and stand on the deck with their friends. Together, they watch as the shore of America gets closer, and closer, though the look of it doesn't actually change that much.

There aren't any more battles to be had. The next battle takes place in America. At this point, the ship is nothing more than their way of getting there.

"I can't see!" Naru is jumping up and down, unable to get her little head high enough to see over the railing. "I want to see it, too!"

"Come here," Aiga says.

Naru leaps onto his back, nearly sending Aiga tumbling over the railing again. He manages to steady himself, and Naru rests her chin on his shoulder, looking out over the sea to the beautiful horizon that everyone else had been staring at.

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