Great Power

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"Did you get it?"

The moment Phi leaves Alexander's office, Trad is standing right there, his hands on his hips, looking extremely impatient.

Phi gives him a smirk and holds it up. "Right here. He called it Project Alien, but we both know the truth. This is Requiem 2.0, new and improved."

"Yes." Trad holds out his hand. "Now give it to me."

"Give it to you?" Phi chuckles. "Why would I do that?"

"Because that was our deal. Now hand it over." Trad lunges for him.

Phi steps back, holding the Bey high over his head and out of Trad's reach. "Ah, ah, ah. Our deal was I get the Bey."

"To give it to me! That was our deal!"

"Hmm. Interesting, since I don't remember that being anywhere in the contract." Phi stares with wide eyes. "Though, I could give it to you for one small thing in return."

"And that is?"

Phi's stare burns itself into Trad's soul. "If we happen to get pitted against each other in this tournament, you will lose that match, no matter how powerful you get."

"You're asking me to let you win!?" Trad growls. "Why on Earth would I ever do that?"

"Because the only person who deserves to reach those finals is me." Phi's stare grows even more powerful, even more smug. "And if we happen to reach the finals together, then the only person who deserves that win is me."

"That's where you're wrong." Trad clenches his teeth. "But fine. I'll accept your terms if you hand over the Bey," he lied.

Phi smirks at him, holding him hostage in his smug stare for way too long before finally saying, "Alright. Fine. Here."

With a quick and informal toss, Phi throws the Bey barely in Trad's direction. The latter had to dive for it to catch it in time, and even then he stumbled ungracefully forward a step before regaining his footing.

Trad instantly admires the Bey. The sleek design, the red and black coloring. If he looked hard enough, he could see a hint of amber mixed into the other colors. That's the telltale sign that this Bey was his, just as much as the first ever Requiem was.

"Hmm." Trad smirks. "Ashram knows me well."

"He certainly does."

"We should get back to that party before people start to suspect things." Trad sighs. "Odds are they won't care that we were gone, but still. You never know."

"They certainly won't care that I was gone." Phi smirks. "That 'distraction' was a bit harsh."

"It worked, didn't it?"

"Well, yes, it did work. It worked a little too well. I swear a few of those tears I shed were almost real." Phi starts walking back down the hall. "Humans are such harsh creatures."

"I'm aware." Trad sighs. "Trust me, I know. Trying to train Bladers on a prestigious team like BC Sol was a living nightmare, especially after Valt Aoi showed up. I've never seen such blatant disrespect."

"Well, for a half-breed like yourself, the reality is just that much harsher." Phi stops and stares. "They think you're one of them. They see no need to respect you. Your power is invisible to them, so there's no incentive, no threat."

"They've seen my power. They just think I forwent it when I shattered Requiem."

"Well, they're in for a surprise, aren't they?"

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