Something Really Bad

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That night came way too late for everyone. Aiga feels exhausted by the time he finally gets to fall into bed, and in his dreams, he enjoys the feeling of victory as he battles everyone his mind can think of, and a few strangers it conjures up for him to defeat. However, those dreams are short lived when something wakes him up, something rather strange.

"Aiga Akaba, I know what you did."

Aiga's eyes snap open, only to be greeted with a dark room. He sits up and looks around, finally noticing someone standing in the corner of the room.

"Phi?" He blinks. "What happened to you?"

Phi looks different, sounds different. There's something off about him and his aura. He's smirking at Aiga with that usual expression he wears, but even his eyes seem to be different somehow.

"I know what you did," he repeats. "You made a deal with Achilles, didn't you?"

"So what if I did?" Aiga stands up, narrowing his eyes. "I didn't give up anything important."

"Hmm. What did you give up, then?"

"I don't remember."

"You don't remember?"

"It must not be important if I don't remember, right?"

Phi's smirk grows more pronounced. His fist is clenched around something, something that has to be his Bey. "I've been looking forward to a battle with you. What do you say we head up to the roof of the WBBA, host our own battle right now, while the Blading Hour is upon us?"

Aiga glances across the room, where Valt is still asleep, half hanging off the bed. It doesn't look like he's going to wake up and interrupt them anytime soon. He turns back to Phi, and the moment he sees that smirk and the way Phi's eyes are flashing, he feels a giant pulse of energy from Achilles flow right through his veins. He just knows his own eyes are glowing, too; that his aura is as big and violent as Phi's.

"Alright," he says. "Let's do it."

"I know a quicker way to get there." Phi runs over to the window and throws it open. Outside is a fire escape, which he jumps right onto, hanging onto the ladder as if he's some superhero climbing to the roof to save the damsel in distress.

Aiga clambers onto the fire escape as well, following Phi down the ladder. Something that nobody really understands about fire escapes is why the ladder never touches the ground. The ladder is always a good three meters above the actual ground level that the people using it want to be on. What a lot of people don't know is that the ladder on the bottom of the fire escape can be released from the top, allowing the ladder to slide to the ground so people don't have to jump, and be raised again so robbers can't use it to sneak into apartments or hotel rooms. Aiga didn't know that until Phi hit a release latch, and the ladder slammed to the ground at a rather obnoxious volume.

Though, Phi needed not bother doing that; he jumped the remaining three meters anyway, landing on the ground gracefully, as if that fall did nothing to him. Aiga is almost impressed, and decides he should do the same thing just to show Phi that he isn't special just because he can handle a fall from a decent ways up.

With a deep breath, Aiga jumps the remaining distance, ignoring the ladder that Phi released probably for him. He lands on the ground so hard that his legs bend, and he's forced to do a forward roll to avoid taking damage. He stands up again, staring at Phi with a smirk of his own, proving that he's not injured at all.

"Nice." Phi says, before taking around the corner of the hotel.

Aiga runs after him, watching the way Phi's clothes are moving. It isn't until now that he realizes Phi is wearing a different outfit. Where did he get that from? His Bey, which is still clutched in his hand, looks different, too. What's going on?

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