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Despite Alexander insisting, Norman refused to turn on the TV. Something told him that the tournament match would end up being a huge disappointment, and besides, Alexander clearly needed to rest above all else. So, now, that's what they're doing. At least, what they're trying to do.

Norman can't relax. He can't focus on anything, really. No matter how hard he tries to get into his book, he keeps glancing up at Alexander. Where Norman physically can't, Alexander just refuses to relax. He's propped up a few pillows behind him and is now sitting there, staring at the blank TV like it will somehow guilt-trip Norman into turning it on.

Either that or he's zoning out.

"Alexander," Norman says, trying to snap him out of it. "Alexander... Alexander, are you okay?"

Alexander doesn't respond. Norman sets his book aside. "Alexander? Alexander, answer me!"

Still nothing. The man looks like he's in a trance.

Suddenly, he clutches his chest and doubles over.

"Alexander!" Norman throws the blanket off his lap and sprints over to Alexander's side. Alexander is still leaning forward, clutching his chest. He's paler, his breathing is unnaturally heavy and ragged, and the heart rate monitor next to him is showing just how badly his heart is pounding.

"Ugh..." Alexander forces himself to look up at Norman. "Ugh... I don't know what just happened..."

"I'm sure... I'm sure you'll be fine. Just, try to calm down." Norman grabs his hand. "Just... just... Ugh, stop saying just! I, I don't know, I'll call the nurse-"

"The nurse... won't do anything..." Alexander shuts his eyes, taking several deep breaths. "Just... be quiet..."

Norman stands beside him, trying to sync his breathing with Alexander's, though he isn't sure why. Is he doing it to help Alexander breath more steadily, or is he doing it to calm himself down? In either case, it does seem to be helping on both fronts. He shuts his eyes, feeling his heart finally start to slow.

That had scared him so bad. What did Alexander do to himself when he created Vortex? Well, Norman knows what he did. He used his own life force. He put his own energy inside of a Bey so it would attract the energy of other Beys. But why ?

That's the question Norman really wants answered. Why? Why would Alexander do that? It seems pointless, stupid even, and Norman never thinks anything Alexander does is stupid. The man is brilliant, a Beyblade genius, and yet...

This is beyond stupid. Even for him.

Alexander's grip tightens on Norman's hand, squeezing the circulation right out of his fingers. Norman doesn't care. It's honestly relieving that Alexander is even strong enough to squeeze anything that hard.

"Norman..." the moment Alexander speaks, Norman's eyes snap open. "I want you to... promise me something..."

"Yes?" He leans forward, trying to make sure Alexander doesn't have to put in any more effort to talk than he should.

"Promise me that... if I die..."

"Don't talk like that!" Norman looks at the door, realizing that he had just shouted. Luckily, he hadn't disturbed anyone. He turns back to Alexander. "You won't die, Alexander, I won't let you."

"Norman, let me talk... please..."

"Sorry." Norman bows his head. "What is it?"

"If I die... promise me that... you'll be the one to take over the Snake Pit..." Alexander looks up at him. "I trust you with my life... I'll trust you with my legacy..."

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