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"Good luck, Suoh."

Suoh turns around to see Fubuki standing there. An extremely tired-looking Fubuki, but Fubuki just the same. The sight of his friend makes him crack a smile.

"Thanks," he turns away, "but you should be wishing Lui that."

"Why would I wish Lui good luck? I don't want him to win."

They look at each other, smirking. A moment later and Fubuki turns to leave the room. "I need to get my seat before someone else takes it. See you after the match, Suoh."

"See you."

With that, Fubuki leaves and heads toward the arena.

It's already packed, so many people excited to watch Lui battle. It has to be for Lui, because nobody cares that much about Suoh except for his close friends. Lui is world famous, Suoh not so much.

He finds a spot next to Shu, and smiles over at him. Shu feels him staring and turns to look, only to smile right back.

"You seem happy," Shu says.

"I think Suoh has this one in the bag," he responds. "He's been working so hard for this. I think his effort will pay off."

"I think so, too." Shu leans back in his seat, staring at the stadium in the middle of the arena. On the screen, details of the match are being displayed in a slideshow. Fubuki glances up at it, watching as Suoh's image and his Beyblade show up on the screen. It transitions into Lui's image and Bey, and then back to Suoh's. Basically, it just continues back and forth, with nothing any more interesting showing up.

It's over.

Fubuki blinks, and then pulls Forneus out of his pocket. He stares at it and whispers, "What?"

It's over. The war against the Gods is over before it's even begun.

Fubuki smiles. So it is over, that just confirms it. The strange cryptic talk of gods and war is finally going to come to a close. He sticks Forneus back into his pocket and stares at the screen again, watching as another thing flashes across it: photographs from these Blader's past matches. Some of Lui with his wild grin. Others of Suoh mid-launch. The pictures cause Fubuki to feel a warm, happy feeling. He remembers some of those pictures of Suoh. He's been to all of those matches.

Suoh will win this. His training can't have been in vein. And besides, if he doesn't win this, then some of those pictures that have Fubuki in it may never happen again.

"So then Phi and Alexander Gil... Gil... Ugh, why can't I ever remember his name!?" Valt throws his head back and screams. "Alexander Gil... Gil..."

"Gilten?" Wakiya suggests.

"Yeah, that!" Valt grins. "Thanks! So Phi and Alexander battle, and all of this weird stuff happened, like, there was this part when..."

Valt continues on and on, reiterating this entire story to Rantaro, Ranjiro, Wakiya, basically everyone who hadn't been there. The entire time, Wakiya has a cold glare on his face.

"You mean to tell me you, Shu, Lui, Free de la Hoya, everyone but us, went to the roof during the Blading Hour last night, to battle an evil alien," Wakiya begins, getting louder with each word, "AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO BRING ME ALONG!?"

"Or me!?" Rantaro leans over the back of Valt's chair. "All of that happened and you didn't even invite us!? What the heck, dude!?"

"Yeah, seriously!" Ranjiro glares. "I could've helped too, you know!"

"We could've helped, too!" Kensuke says through Ker.

"Yeah, we're great helpers!" He adds through Beus.

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