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Party time.

Aiga's solution for the 'semi-formal' requirement was to remove his jacket, revealing the suspenders and the plain white shirt underneath. Valt actually had brought some nicer clothes, and switched from his Blading attire into his blue dress shirt and black slacks.

"Are you sure you don't wanna borrow some of my clothes?" Valt asks Aiga again.

"I'm sure." Aiga admires himself in the mirror. "I think I look pretty formal already."

"If you say so!" Valt slips on his headband and gives himself a final look in the mirror, too. "You ready?"

"Yup!" Aiga, just for good measure, grabs his Beyblade. "Let's do this!"

Valt grabs his Bey, too. "Good thinking! Valkyrie will probably want to come to this party, too!"

The second they leave the hotel room, they run into several other people heading for the party. Apparently Fubuki had a heads-up about the semi-formal thing, and came prepared with a white dress shirt and slacks. Shu is dressed in a very similar manner, though his button-up is a pale pink, and he has a black vest over it.

"You look great, Shu!" Valt exclaims, excitedly grabbing his friend's wrists.

"Thanks, so do you," Shu responds. "You ready?"

"Yup! Let's go!"

Fubuki and Aiga don't bother saying anything to each other. Besides, what is there to say besides what Valt and Shu said to each other? Fubuki could give Aiga a quick compliment, but one glance at his outfit and you instantly know that it's what he wears every day, minus the jacket. And Aiga could tell Fubuki that he looks nice, but that comes with the price of basically saying everyone looks nice, since Fubuki is dressed in the most generic semi-formal outfit in the history of the world.

Eventually, they run into Ranjiro, who decided that 'semi' isn't in his vocabulary and is wearing a full-blown tuxedo, complete with bow-tie and all.

"Uh, Ranjiro," Fubuki looks him up and down.

"What?" Ranjiro doesn't seem to realize the problem with his attire.

Fubuki shakes his head. "Nothing. You look great."

Ranjiro grins. "Thanks, buddy! You look good, too! Now, let's do this thing!"

They continue down the hall, Fubuki constantly shooting glances over his shoulder to see if maybe, just maybe, Suoh is coming. However, based on his actions back in the hotel room when Fubuki asked if he was going, Suoh had zero plans on attending this party.

"Lui!" Valt shouts, sprinting ahead of everyone else.

Sure enough, there's Lui, coming down the hallway dressed in a similar manner to everyone else: black slacks, a teal dress shirt, and a purple tie.

"You look-"

Lui cuts him off. "Like everyone else? Yeah, I noticed. There isn't much you can do with 'semi-formal'." He crosses his arms. "I wish I would've brought my scarf. At least then I'd have something to make me stand out a bit."

"What about that coat of yours?" Aiga asks.

"Pfft. I'm not wearing that to a WBBA party. Do you know how much that coat cost? I don't want any disgusting little kids spilling their punch on it." Lui starts walking, prompting everyone to follow him. "I take it Goshuin isn't coming?"

Fubuki shakes his head. "No. I tried asking him, but he refused to answer me."

"Figures." Lui passes the elevator, heading right for the stairwell instead. "Do any of you know if Free's going?"

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