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"Your hair is so pretty, Phi!"

"Thank you."

Phi is sitting on the floor of a training room while Naru kneels behind him, weaving his hair into a braid. He still isn't quite sure why this little girl likes doing that with his hair. In his opinion, his hair looks better down, but it doesn't bother him. If anything, it feels rather nice, and it's always good to take a break from training every so often. Especially after a battle as hectic as the one he just experienced.

Trad should've known better, honestly. Phoenix is a lot more powerful than it seems. Even Phi is impressed with how well his Bey fared after nearly being lost in the depths of a black hole.

One Blader down. A few more to go on the list of Beys to destroy. Though, it seems like the tournament is starting to interfere with Phi's plans. Perhaps he should head right for the core now instead of fooling around because he thinks it's fun.

There's only so much pleasure one can have when the fate of the entire universe is on the line, after all.

Aiga Akaba. Phi has barely been able to keep his patience. That fiery, angsty, annoying little boy who thinks he can take him down. It's honestly funny, and adorable. It's like he thinks he can kill God.

Killing God is out of the question, but as for the spirits of a bunch of ancient powers, there could be another story waiting to be told.

"I don't think your brother likes me all that much," Phi says, staring at his fingernails. He just wants to see how Naru will respond to this. What kind of person is Aiga when he isn't fired up from the prospect of a battle? "Every time he sees me I feel like he wants to hurt me."

"Oh, Aiga's just like that." Naru says it so dismissively. "He sees anyone that he thinks could possibly beat him in a Bey battle and suddenly he hates them."

"Hmm." Phi stares at the wall, fantasizing about doing exactly that. "I get defensive when I see a formidable opponent."

"Yeah, but Aiga hates them both during battles and outside of the ring. He just hates them no matter what." Naru giggles. "Between you and me, I don't know how he has any friends."

Phi cracks a smirk. "Naru, that's not nice."

"Hey, I'm just being honest." Naru finishes the braid, and then stops, staring at it with a thoughtful look on her face. "Phi! Can I tie a ribbon on the end!?"


Naru giggles and pulls a shiny red ribbon out of her pocket.

So Aiga hates them no matter what. Even Phi can admit that he doesn't hate Aiga. In fact, there isn't much of anyone he actually hates. If anything, Phi actually kind of likes Aiga. Likes him so much that he can't wait to destroy him.

What Phi is feeling is strange. He respects Aiga as a Blader, he has the confidence to say that yes, Aiga is quite the opponent. Which only serves to make his urge to destroy Aiga at all costs even stronger. He can't wait to tear him down, destroy Achilles, make him suffer, watch him fall to his knees and wail in despair after being beaten once and for all.

But it isn't out of hatred. Hate. Love. Friendship. These human emotions seem to cross over more than they should. You see someone and you can't tell if it's love you feel or pure loathing.

"There! Perfect!" Naru says at last.

Phi pulls the braid over his shoulder and admires the ribbon. "It's very shiny."

"Well, your hair is really shiny, so obviously it needs a shiny ribbon to go with it." She flashes a huge little girl grin. "Have they told you who you're battling yet?"

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