Chapter 1 - Mothers Always have "Great" Ideas

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If it's a Crime then I'm Guilty, Guilty of Loving You - Chapter 1 - Mothers Always have "Great" Ideas

New Story! Hope you like it! <3


I can't close my eyes.

I've been driving for what seemed like 20 hours straight, but closing my eyes would kill everyone in the car.

I never signed up for this road trip, in fact, I never asked to come along. It was just kind of like... "You're coming, because we need someone to help us drive." Mom doesn't have a drivers license and Tyler, my mom's friend's son, that my mom randomly invited on our trip(which might be just because she wants to hook me up with him), doesn't either.

Dad was going to drive half so it wouldn't be too bad for all of us but since he twisted his ankle really badly just before we wanted to leave yesterday, I have to drive the whole way, and double the amount I was supposed to, since we have a lot of catching up to do.

At least we're on our way, right? I should be happy. It's 6 in the evening. My dad is with his leg up next to me, his eyes closed and his mouth wide open. He's snoring loudly and it bugs me. I look in the mirror and see my mom curled up with her legs close to her body. Her head is against her jacket against the window and she is asleep as well. I catch Tyler's eye. He's looking at me and smiling. I can't help but smile, but focus on the road so he won't see.

I look back at him after my grin disappears and he is staring out the window. He's wearing a black shirt that clings onto his body and jeans. He has earphones plugged in and holds onto his dark grey IPod. His eyes meet mine again. They're dark blue, with a line of almost black around the colours. He looks at me questionable.

"You look tired." He says and takes one earphone out. I sigh and look at the road again, flashing my eyes between him in the road I decide to continue the conversation.

"I am tired, Tyler." He smiles and sits up, moving his torso forward. These are the first words I've said to him the whole car ride.

"There's a gas station right there, why don't you pull over, we can have a coffee?" He says softly. I can feel his breath in my neck and shivers run down me. I nod and turn towards the gas station.

I park the car and put on my jacket. Tyler has already managed to squirm out of the car and has opened my door. He helps me out. I feel my legs stretching, and it feels good to stand. I close the door and lock the car, leaving my parents inside. Tyler has already started walking towards the small cafe since it has started drizzling. I hurry after him.

We sit down with our coffees. I'm staring at the cup and my nails, he makes me uncomfortable. Tyler seems to have something dark to him. He is looking around fast, from the man sitting at a table, the woman behind the counter, the security camera in the corner to the parking lot outside, and an old couple drinking coffee in their car together. I wonder what's wrong with him, because he seems like someone is out to kill him.

Suddenly he directs his eyes right at me, I feel them piercing into me, but ignore my body's need to look at him. I trace the top of my mug with my finger, feeling the heated ceramic sting into my flesh. I stare at the mug that has a waterfall with trees painted on it. Tyler's eyes are still on me. I let my hair fall into my face. I take a second and decide to put it back behind my ear, but before I can do so Tyler does it for me. I look straight up at him and I'm fully paralysed.

"Mom!" I groan inside my head, annoyed as ever. I wait for him to move his hand away and gulp half my coffee down, almost choking on it. Staring into my mug is the only way to avoid eye contact with his freak.

"I like your hair." Tyler says and looks right into my eyes again, as I look up at him. I don't know whether to slap him or to thank him, but since we have to be in the same car for another few days, I decide to pick the latter.

"Thanks." I whisper, unable to keep the irritation out of my voice. Quietly I waitto see if he responds, but he just sips at his coffee, and is looking around the small cafe like a crazy person.

Tyler and I get up and head for the door. I can see him close behind me from the corner of my eye, and notice how his eyes are on me. I turn my head a little pretending to look outside as I study his face. I want to feel over that jaw line and kiss his lips.

"No, I don't!" My little genie sits up on her magic carpet and looks at me excitingly as I deny everything to her. I focus on the ground as we walk to the car.

"Hey!" I hear a man's voice yell and before I realise it, Tyler grabs me and reaches under his shirt behind his back. I see two policemen coming towards us, taking their guns out. I want to yell and scream, but there I am, paralysed. Tyler points the gun right at my head as his arm is almost choking me. Tears start running down my face and I can't hear anything anymore. Everything seems to be going in slow motion.

Tyler points the gun at the policemen and shoots them both, using 2 bullets. I feel my legs weakening and Tyler lets me go. I start throwing up straight away as tears keep streaming down my face. Before I can faint Tyler grabs me and pulls me to an upright position facing our car.

Mom and dad are standing outside, and through my blurred vision I can see that mom is crying. I hear her scream but only faint. Tyler pulls me against him and chokes me again, but all of a sudden I am right awake.

"Move away from the car!" He screams, panicked.Mom and dad both move away, holding onto each other. I grab onto Tyler's arm as he drags me to the passenger's seat and opens the door. He pushes me in and puts child lock on. He does the same for all the other doors except, of course, the driver's seat.

This whole time he has been holding his gun up, ready to shoot at any time. He gets in and starts driving straight away. I can see my mom crying, and my dad starts running after us, I look back sticking my hand out, but realise that would not change anything as I burst into tears.

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