Chapter 2 - There's No Escaping Him

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Chapter 2 - There's No Escaping Him

Heeyyy, hope you like the next part! Let me know ;)

"I knew it!" He screams hours later, anger in his voice as we drive over the highway. I open my eyes as I was half asleep but don't dare to look into his eyes. Surprisingly Tyler, if that's  his real name, is driving normal speed, probably to avoid attraction.

"I knew they would come!" He says, and looks straight at the road.

"You don't drive..." I whisper, not sure of what his reaction will be. For a moment I think he is going to hit me, or point his gun at me.

"Huh?" He says abruptly and turns to me.

"You don't drive! You told us you don't drive! You lied!" I repeat myself, looking up at him. I feel a lump in my throat as his blue eyes pierce into the depth of my soul. A somewhat wicked grin appears on his face.

"I told you I don't have a driver's licence, I don't lie." I look at him confused, but then realise what he means. I open my mouth to reply, but have no idea what to say.

All of a sudden I sit up and question myself in my head. Why am I still here? Why isn't he letting me go? Why am I not I fighting him? If I would punch him really hard I would be able to stop the car in some way, right?

I feel weak, having puked out all the food I had today before. I try to open my window, but it won't work. Tyler mumbles something softly, and I look over to him. He unlocks the window and opens mine slightly. As soon as I want to push the button again, as an idea of escape, he locks it again. I stare at him.

"What?" He murmurs, his eyes straight on the road. I look at the small clock, ignoring him. It's 2 am. I sigh and sit back in my seat. "Madeline Katherine Jones, I asked you a question." He says, irritation in his voice. He looks at me and I shake my head.

"I don't want to be here, Tyler!" I scream at him. "Let me go!"  Tyler looks right at me and then his eyes shoot onto the road. He takes a sharp turn onto a dirt road and drives for another 10 seconds.

He stops the car abruptly and I am throw into the back of my seat. Before I know it he has undone both our seat belts and pulls my arm.

"Get in the back!" He hisses, and pushes me as I do what he says. As I try to sit down in the back seat he climbs after me. Tyler moves over me, his face close to mine, and I can feel his breath over me. I try to avoid eye contact.

"Mady, you have a choice." He whispers. I wonder what for, there is no one around, since we are between two fields. His face is close to mine. "You come with me, or I kill you!" I decide to look right into his eyes. I start losing myself. The weakening feeling of lack of food in my body, mixed with his eyes are putting me in a trance. I feel my lips almost touching his, but then I black out.

"Jesus Chris Mady, wake up!" I hear a faint voice in the distance. I open my eyes and Tyler is hanging over me. I smile but then remember everything that has happened. I sit up quickly and my head twirls. 

"Mady!" He breathes over me and shakes me. I grab onto him to make him stop. "What happened?" He says with a worried face.

"Sorry, I just haven't eaten since I threw up." I whisper. He quickly grabs his backpack. Carefully he takes a few guns out and then holds out a chocolate bar. He takes out a blanket as well and puts his backpack away again.

I start eating the chocolate and feel a little better already. He stares at me and reaches out to feel over my cheek. "We'll talk more in the morning." He says and kisses my cheek. Does he treat all his hostages this way? It's like he's already in love with me, even though he doesn't know me.

I wake up hours later with a shocking thought. He doesn't know me, right? I sit up slowly and realise we are standing still. It's already light out but we are on a dirt road deep inside a forest. Tyler is sleeping in the driver's seat and his head is against the window. Suddenly I realise this is my chance of escape.

I slowly and quietly try to open my door, shit! Child lock! I move over and climb slowly onto him, trying not to wake him. My legs are over his as I am sitting on his lap, facing him. He looks calm and relaxed when he sleeps. I reach for the door handle.

His hand grabs mine as his eyes spring open, and he sits up, grabbing onto me an pulling me close. He looks right into my eyes and I quickly pull my hand out of his.

"Trying to get away now, are we, Madam?" He says, a playful smile hanging on his lips. I struggle trying to find the right thing to say, after all, he can shoot me wherever he wants to. "How about that kiss?" He smiles and lowers his face towards mine.

"No!" I scream. The only way out is to the back seat, and I push him off as I leap into the back seat. He laughs and starts the car, driving away quickly.

I stare into the mirror and he looks up, noticing me. I'm studying his face. I've cooled down from before, and I'm under the blanket, looking at him. His stubble is growing slightly, and slithers of his brown hair is in front of his eyes. I look at his stubble again and want to feel it against my skin.

"Why did you do that?" I ask. He looks back at me and sighs. I can see he doesn't feel great about what he did. Tyler slows the car down, and turns into a parking lot. He climbs into the back next to me.

"I'm sorry." He says, and looks into my eyes, one of his hands on my knees. "I just thought.... You said in your sleep that..." He looks puzzled. I take advantage of this moment and push his hand off me.

"I said what?" I ask him, catching him off guard. He stares down and then looks up at me. His eyes are breathtaking but I see a lot of pain deep inside him. It's like he wants to get rid of the pain, but he's locked inside. I grab his hand as I notice it's hard for him to say anything.

"You asked me to kiss you." He says softly. I look away nervously and bite my lip. "Mady, I'm going to take you to my old summer home. No one ever comes there. When we're there... If you want to run you can, and if you do decide to tell the police where I am, or how to find me, and I end up in jail, my friends will come and kill you and your whole family, even if I ask them not to. I'm keeping you with me for your own safety. Do you understand?" I nod and he kisses my cheek, climbing back into the driver's seat.

For my own safety... But why would he take me with him? He probably didn't have a choice. I don't want to be with him, but I don't want to be the cause of the death of my whole family.

I decide to sit down next to him and I turn on the radio, taking out a bottle of water, and two sandwiches from his backpack. I pass him a sandwich and take a gulp from the water. I pass the bottle to him, and he drinks while trying to focus on the road. As he gives it back, I screw the cap onto it, and we both eat our sandwiches.

"I won't run." I say, looking at him. I feel a lump in my throat, feeling like I have no other choice. He nods and smiles slightly, although I can see he doesn't mean it. He moves his finger over the window buttons and unlocks them. I open my window and smile as I feel the breeze in my hair.

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