Chapter 3 - If I were a Rich Girl

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Chapter 3 - If I were a Rich Girl

Part 3, hope you like it :)

We drive  up to a small villa by a lake. It seems to be the only thing around. I feel kind of like I'm in the movie 'The Lake House", only this house is painted white with blue windowsills, and flowers hanging from each window except the balcony. It has a Greek feel to it. We drive up in the car and my door gets opened by a old man in a uniform. He has grey hair and looks

"Welcome back Mr. Tyler," He pauses and looks at me. I climb out the car as he holds the door and then speaks again. "I assume dinner will be for 2 tonight?" He smiles a genuine smile at me.

"Yes George, but we haven't had lunch yet, could you still prepare something for us?" The two men talk on as I head for the back of the car. I open it up and my mouth falls open. All my things are gone.

"Tyler!" I scream. George, who seems to be his butler or something, and Tyler have just finished their conversation, and Tyler makes his way to the back of the car. "Where are my things!" I demand, anger taking me over as I feel like I'm about to explode. From the corner of my eye I see George taking Tyler's backpack out of the car and walking into the house.

"Had to get rid of everything. Wouldn't want the police to follow us, babe." He says lightly and heads into the house as well. I've never been so angry. I have so many mixed feelings, and I feel like I'm about to break down and cry.

I gather myself, not letting any tears fall and return to anger, the only way to protect myself from this freak. I stomp after him, screaming at him. "What am I supposed to wear, what am I going to sleep in, I don't have a toothbrush, my phone was in there, and my laptop! I don't have money to buy new ones..." I can keep on going forever but he turns around and grabs me. He holds me close to his body, and I can feel his warmth. After a short pause I continue.

"And I don't have a hair br..." He stops me by kissing me deeply. His hands are around my waits, holding me close to him. I don't know whether to kiss back or to push him off. I decide on "Just kiss back, he is the most handsome guy you've ever met." I shrug and kiss back slightly, but before I know it he has turned away already, and is heading into what looks like a living room. I want to follow him but notice George standing close by.

"Madam, I suppose you would like to freshen up before lunch?" He says and has a smile on his face. I nod shyly and he leads me through a door. The door says 'Tyler' on it, and it has a huge bed inside. There is a walk in close to the right, and a bathroom straight ahead. "You can find clean clothes in the closet." George says and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. I walk into the bathroom and see a huge bathtub.

I am dressed in my panties and a bra, and standing in the closet when Tyler walks in. I try to hide my body from him and grab something random out of the closet to cover myself with. "It's not like I've never seen a woman naked, Madeline." He mumbles and takes the shirt that I have in my hand from me. "Don't touch my clothes." He says and turns to the other side of the closet, and takes out a short strapless summer dress. He also opens a drawer and takes out a strapless swimming suit. He hands me the two items and opens a closet with only high heels in it.

I stare at him. "Why do you have girls clothing in your closet?" I ask and grin at him. His look saddens and he stares at me. He looks angry at me for asking the question. He grabs a pair of high heels made out of little straps of colourful fabric. He pushes them into my arms as well, rather roughly. "Ex-girlfriend." He mumbles and walks out the room.

Oops, I think to myself. I shouldn't have asked that. He will probably be grumpy at me the rest of the day now.

As I walk through the living room and onto the small terrace by the lake I can already smell food. Tyler is sitting at the table, with sunglasses and swimming trunks on. They are bright red and they show off the tanned skin on his abs. He has muscles, a six-pack and it's not a bad sight to see. I sit down next to him, and George comes in with two plates of lasagna. I eat everything that is served faster than I ever have, and by the end of lunch I feel extremely full.

"Why did you come along on a road trip with us?" I ask him, after sitting in silence for a while. He looks up at me, putting his sunglasses in his hair and he sits up.

"My mom said I had to go if I still wanted to have access to her money." He says, looking straight at me. "Without money..." He continues "I won't be able to keep away from the police." I frown and then nod slowly.

"Won't she cut you off when she finds out." I ask, looking at him.

"No." He replies. "She will keep the account open until she finds me, besides, I've got 20,000 bucks cash right here in this house, so that shouldn't matter."

I take a sip of my water and then look at him again, sitting back in my chair. "Why did you suggest to stop at that gas station?" I ask him, looking out over the lake.

"Mady, we were going to a place with lots of people. Lot's of people who know my face, who would recognize me. The only way out was like this." I want to ask him more but he gets up and walks back into the house leaving me sitting by the lake.

That evening, after a long swim and almost dozing off in front of the TV, Tyler wakes me up. He picks me up slowly and I decide I'm too tired to struggle so I hold onto him. He carries me to the bedroom and lays me down in the bed, passing me a shirt of his. He walks into the bathroom and closes the door, turning on the shower. I sigh and take off my clothes and slip into the shirt, climbing back into bed.

The shirt smells like him, and it makes me feel safe for some reason, while I should feel anything but safe. The bed is nice and the warm duvet covers my body. I close my eyes again, drifting into a light dose.

Before I can fall asleep again Tyler is in the room again. His hair is dripping and his body is steaming from his hot shower. He's wearing a towel around his hips and I can see his abs again. I hide my smile under the duvet. He walks into the closet and moments later he is back, just wearing grey tight boxers. I smile again and sit up. He moves over to the bed, and get's in next to me.

"Go to sleep, Mady." He says and I look at him surprized.

"We're sleeping in the same bed? You know what, I'll sleep on the couch!" Before I can get out Tyler grabs my hand to keep me in bed.

"Madeline, go the fuck to sleep, I don't have any rare disease, and I need to keep an eye on you. Go to sleep." Anger is in his voice and it scares me. I feel my anger rising in me. I shake him off and turn away from him in the bed. If I have to sleep in the same bed as him, at least I won't have to look at him.

I'm almost asleep when I feel him moving against my back. He pulls me close, his arm clinging around my stomach, and I can feel him giving a kiss on my hair softly. I finally fall asleep.

YAAAAAY <3 More Soon :D xx

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