Meeting Them

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Karkat ♋️

(Y/N) was working at their job at a small but lovely cafe. They usually saw couples come into their workplace and in all honestly they were a little jealous of the couples they wish to be love and give love to someone. They were suck out of their thoughts when they heard a rather loud costumer come in Karkat he came in here ever so often and well (Y/N) had a crush on him.

"Hey K-arkat want the usual?" (Y/N) ask "YEAH YOU DONT HAVE TO FUCKING ASK ANYMORE" Karkat said as (Y/N) chuckles and went to get his order ready. As soon as they were done they walk over to Karkat's table and saw him looking at some cheesy romantic stuff. "Oh I didn't know you like that stuff hey if you want why don't we h-ang out at my p-lace and watch some of th-ose movies" (Y/N) said a blush rising on their face "REALLY YEAH THAT WOULD BE NICE" Karkat said surprise "G-reat here's my number and address" (Y/N) said smiling walking back to the counter.

Aradia ♈️

(Y/N) was walking through the park trying to get a good photo since they were a photographer they were always looking for the best shots and show what they could do. As (Y/N) got close to a pound they saw a troll sitting by the lake holding a frog they couldn't help but take a photo it was just to beautiful to resist but the troll saw them.

The troll ran over to (Y/N) making them feel rather anxious "excuse me but why were y0u taking ph0t0s of me?" the troll ask she sounded mad "s-orry it's just to pre-fect not to take sorry!" (Y/N) exclaims "....can I see the ph0t0?" She ask and (Y/N) shows the troll the photo and she looks at (Y/N)'s (E/C) "it's pretty i'm Aradia" aradia said "I-I'm (Y/N) and th-anks I love taking photos" (Y/N) said "next time i d0nt mind m0dling ph0t0s f0r y0u" Aradia said and hands (Y/N) her pesterchum handle

Tavros ♉️

(Y/N) was just walking around trying to find inspiration for a new story since they were a well known writer well their alias Bailey Pine (if your name is bailey imagine your alias is something else) and now they need an idea to how to continue their series called "Autumn Dreams" but they were having a writer's block but something caught their eye a troll with rather big horns he was actually pretty cute. (Y/N) didn't realize they were staring long enough to were the troll noticed and slowly waves.

"Oh um sorry I um just think you're cute" (Y/N) froze realizing what they just said and blushes like crazy "uH tHANKS yOURE cUTE tOO" the troll said looking embarrass "I'm (Y/N) nice to meet you" (Y/N) said as she shakes the trolls hand

Sollux ♊️

(Y/N) walks into a game shop looking for a new game to play they always loved video games they always wondered what it would be like to help work on one. They did love to draw and maybe could make concept art for one. They could just imagine seeing their artwork in an amazing video game.

As they were looking around they accidentally bumped into someone when they both went to grab the same game"s-orry about th-at" (Y/N) said "iit ii2 fiine ii wasnt lookiing two" the troll said "2eem2 we both were lookiing for the 2ame game" "y-eah I al-ways love playing di-fferent types of games" (Y/N) said smiling

Nepeta ♌️

(Y/N) was running through the woods happily they always loved the forest it just makes them feel so free. As they jump and bounce from place to place not knowing their were eyes on them the owner of the eyes tail moves excitedly

When (Y/N) stops to rest for a moment something or someone pounces on them. ":33 > AC pounces on the purrfect furiend mew name is Nepeta" Nepeta said purring and (Y/N) starts to laught Nepeta was just too cute

Kanaya ♍️

(Y/N) was walking through hobby lobby looking for fabrics to make some stuff animals. They love to sew especially stuff animals like foxes and red pandas they could make it all day. But as they were looking around (Y/N) saw a troll with a beautiful red skirt looking for suitable fabric too.

"Hey I'm (Y/N) do you need any help?" (Y/N) ask "Oh Yes That Would Be Quite Useful I'm Still Getting Use To This Store I'm Kanaya I Might Add" Kanaya said

Terezi ♎️

(Y/N) was watering their flowers there were all sorts of them orchids, violets, roses, daisies, and other different flowers most of them were red and teal they were two of (Y/N)'s favorite colors but they suddenly heard some sniffing and turn to see a troll with red glasses sniffing the flowers by their fence

"YOU H4V3 N1C3 SM3LL1NG FLOW3Rs" the troll said "IM T3r3Z1 W41T YOU H4V3 R3D FLOW3RS :O!"

Vriska ♏️

(Y/N) was quite annoyed right now why you might ask you adorable reader simple working at a casino sucks especially with drunken flirts which was happening to poor (Y/N) right now and boy did his breath stink worse then a skunk

"Heeeeeeeey dum8ass leave this 8eauty aaaaaaaalone!" A female voice exclaimed her arm wrapping around (Y/N)'s waist pulling them away from the guy "t-thank you" (Y/N) said blushing "No problem 8a8e" the troll said winking

Equius ♐️

(Y/N) was use to the smell of sweat by now since they work in front of a gym it was a rather boring job but hey it brought in money as they were trying to pay for bills and everything. (Y/N) heard the front door open and saw a regular at the gym his name was Equius and not going to lie (Y/N) found him interesting they smile this time though he brought his friend Nepeta

(Y/N) smiles and tosses a towel at him and Equius easily caught it "D—> thank you for the towels lowblood" Equius said "of course I'll always be willing to help you" (Y/N) said smiling as Nepeta mumbles about updating her shipping wall

Gamzee ♑️

(Y/N) was a makeup artist what kind you ask well for special effects! Right now (Y/N) was working on creepy clown makeup for an all year round haunted circus and they loved their job it was just fun for them

"WoW tHaT iS sOmE mIrAcLe WoRk" someone said and (Y/N) turns to see a rather tall troll with face paint on his well face "t-thanks I like yours" (Y/N) said "ThAnKs MoThErFuCkEr Im GaMzEe HoNk" Gamzee said as he holds a horn

Eridan ♒️

(Y/N) was on a small little Clift painting the ocean as the sun was setting. A perfect scene to paint (Y/N) always loves painting landscapes but they did wish to paint some people sometimes

"Oh my I didn't expect to see another person here" a voice said and (Y/N) turns to see a troll with a long scarf and cape "oh hello sorry is this your spot isn't it I'm (Y/N) by the way" (Y/N) said "I'm Eridan hopefully your future prince" Eridan said winking making (Y/N) giggling

Feferi ♓️

(Y/N) was walking around the beach collecting seashells and making little bracelets and necklaces. They were humming a little tune as they make their little seashell jewelry as gifts for friends and family.

"You )(av—E a pr—Etty voic—E" a voice said scaring (Y/N) they turn to see a beautiful troll smiling at her "I'm F—Ef—Eri could you sing again?" Feferi ask and (Y/N) smiles and starts to sing

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