When you get hurt

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Karkat ♋️
There are times when (Y/N) wonders if they have bad luck mostly because they sometimes get hurt in dumb ways like accidentally cut them self while they were cutting a watermelon. Speaking of which (Y/N) was peeling a potato for dinner and as they were peeling their hand slip cutting their finger. "Ouch holy shit!" (Y/N) shouts dropping the potato on the ground as Karkat comes running into the kitchen "(Y/N) WHA-HOLY FUCKING SHIT YOURE BLEEDING!" Karkat exclaims as he starts panicking running to (Y/N) as they wash their cut "I'm fine Karkat just a small cut" (Y/N) said "SHIT FUCK FUCK ILL GET YOU A BANDAID" Karkat took one step and slip onto the potato making (Y/N) chuckle

Aradia ♈️

(Y/N) was helping Aradia clean her hive  since it was getting rather messy and dusty too. As they were cleaning up the place (Y/N) picked up an old book not seeing a spider on it till it bit them. (Y/N) freaks out and quickly tosses the book away "(Y/N) are y0u ok?" Aradia was surprise by the sudden moves "y-yeah just a spider freaked me out" they think a bit and shiver at a thought "I g-got bit by it too you don't think it was p-poisonous do you" Aradia hugs them and kisses their hand "it will be fine if it makes y0u feel better we'll go check it 0ut" "thanks you're the best" they said hugging Aradia

Tavros ♉️

(Y/N) was hanging out with Tavros when Tavros drop a plush pikachu (Y/N) got him falling underneath the couch. "I got it don't worry" (Y/N) said reaching under and grabbing the plush pikachu when they pull it out (Y/N) could see Tavros freaking out a bit. "uH YOUR ARM ITS BLEEDING" Tavros said not knowing what to do "Hey it's ok Tav it must have been a loose spring I'm fine" (Y/N) said kissing his head

Sollux ♊️

(Y/N) and Sollux were outside because they wanted to go out and dragged Sollux along with them. As (Y/N) was walking they almost step on a wasp angering it enough to sting them. "Ouch stupid wasp" they go to swat it but miss and the wasp stings (Y/N) again till it was suddenly killed by Sollux using his psiionics "thii2 ii2 why ii 2aiid we 2hould 2tay iin2iide" Sollux said

Nepeta ♌️

":33 I'm so sorry that happen (Y/N) I didn't think that stone would fall on you purrty head" nepeta said hugging (Y/N) tightly rubbing her head on theirs. Nepeta was showing (Y/N) some new ships when a small stone from Nepeta's ceiling fell hitting (Y/N) on their head "it's fine you didn't know that would happen but um make sure that doesn't happen to you ok" they said worryingly ":33 i won't I purromise"

Kanaya ♍️

(Y/N) was absolutely embarrassed that they got hurt by tripping on their own feet in front of Kanaya. "(Y/N) It's Nothing To Be Embarrassed About It Was On Accidentally Plus We Should Focus On Cleaning Your Knee Who Knows How Many Disgusting Things Are On This Sidewalk" kanaya hugs (Y/N) kissing their head

Terezi ♎️

Who knew Terezi could smell blood coming from another room. "(Y/N) 4R3 YOU 4LR1GHT 1 SM3LL BLOOD COM1NG FROM YOU DO 1 N33D TO BR1NG JUST1C3 ON SOM3ON3" terezi ask running over to me "no I just pricked myself on a rose thorn by accident" (Y/N) said kissing Terezi on the cheek "....SO H4NG TH3 ROS3"

Vriska ♏️

(Y/N) sighs as they were holding back Vriska why? Because she wants to get revenge on a cat that scratched your hand because you were dumb and didn't pick up on its body language about the cat being done with pets. "Vriska calm down it's just a cat!"

Equius ♐️

(Y/N) likes to sew it was just an useful thing to learn especially if they have to repair a rip in their clothes so it is wasn't a surprise for them when they actually hurt them self with when they were sewing blood dripping onto the clothes they were fixing "dammit! I just wash that too!" (Y/N) grumbles in frustration walking into the bathroom. Not knowing Equius over hears them yelling and went to check on (Y/N) freezing seeing blood on the shirt. (Y/N) was putting a band-aid on their finger when Equius bust down the door. "D-> (Y/N) are you okay who hurt you?!" Equius was sweating a lot "yeah just hurt myself on accident while sewing" (Y/N) said

Gamzee ♑️

(Y/N) loves hanging out with Gamzee but they are always amazed by all the stairs hives have. (Y/N) was walking down stairs with Gamzee to get some of that wicked elixir in the troll fridge since Gamzee ran out of it in his room. Gamzee runs downstairs out of excitement for it. (Y/N) chuckles watching him not seeing a empty bottle on the stairs and trips down the stairs on their butt. They groan in pain alerting Gamzee "yOu Ok HoNk" "I just trip I'll be fi-" (Y/N) was cut off by Gamzee picking them up "DoNt WoRrY iLl CaRrY yOu ArOuNd" Gamzee said kissing them on their head

Eridan ♒️

How was (Y/N) going to tell Eridan that they had cut themselves while cutting up vegetables. They didn't want him to freak out and get really worried over an accident. As (Y/N) was thinking they didn't see Eridan walk inside and see their bloody finger "wwhat the shell are you ok?!" Eridan exclaims grabbing on to them tightly "wwe havve to get you help!" (Y/N) sighs trying to calm down a panicking Eridan

Feferi ♓️

There was one thing (Y/N) hated with a burning passion is stubbing their toe it was the worse thing in the world to them. And sitting on the ground with a bleeding toe isn't fun which was happening right now luckily Feferi was helpful and didn't freak out over it "t)(-er-e it's all beta now" feferi said hugging an embarrassed (Y/N) "thanks again love"

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