How they feel

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Karkat ♋️

"UGH FUCK FUCK FUCK!" Karkat yells frustrated "Karkat I th9ught I t9ld y9u h9w triggering it can be by cursing blah blah blah" Kankri starts to go on and on "SHUT UP IM THINKING RIGHT NOW" Karkat said "9h is it ab9ut y9ur friend that y9u keep g9ing t9 their place are y9u having tr9uble in the quadrants?" Kankri ask

Karkat looks at him trying to hide his blushing face "NO ITS NOT ABOUT THAT FUCK OFF!" "Br9ther I suggest y9u d9n't lie t9 me it is very triggering" Kankri starts to go on but Karkat cuts him off by screaming a lot. "Boys boys whats all this yelling about?" Signless asks as he walks into the room "Karkat I'm s9rry this might be very triggering but y9u need help" "DONT YOU FUCKING DARE KANKRI!" "Karkat is flush f9r his human fr-" Kankri was cut off by Karkat slapping his hand on his mouth.

Aradia ♈️

(Sorry if this feels lacking this one was a little hard to do)

Aradia looks at some of the photos (Y/N) took of her and some of her and (Y/N) smiling her cheeks becoming red like her blood a bit. She walks to her computer logging on age went to go pester (Y/N) but stops "n0 it sh0uld be special I'll make it the best better than a c0rpse party" Aradia said

Tavros ♉️

Tavros would tell his family but uh they weren't the best when it came to love advice sometimes especially Rufioh so he went to ask Gamzee for advice

"TaVbRo JuSt GiVe ThEm MoThErFuCkInG FaYgO iTs mIrCaLe MaChInE hOnK" Gamzee said licking his fingers from the sooper slime he was eating "uH gIFTS aRE gOOD" Tavros said

Sollux ♊️

Hanging out with Karkat while you're flush for someone wasn't the best idea because like he's doing right now to Sollux he was lecturing/yelling at him about flushness and what he should do helpful but annoying

"ii 2wear ii 2hould not have told you anyth2ng kk we have 2pent hour2 on thii2 when ii could do 2omething u2efull" Sollux said annoyance laced in his voice a bit

Nepeta ♌️

Nepeta looks at her shipping wall pouting as her moirail Equius walks into her room "D—> Nepeta is something wrong?" Equius ask looking at her pouting state ":33 > mew otp isn't real! I want it to be really real" Nepeta said "D—> as you moirail I will help with your otp if it will help with your state of emotions what is your otp?" Equius question ":33 > It's mew and (Y/N) they just make mew so happy!" Nepeta exclaims as Equius starts to sweat a lot like usual.

Kanaya ♍️

Kanaya was busy designing a new outfit a very special one for (Y/N) to show how she really feels about her but it was difficult making one that she would be satisfying for her.

Kanaya gets up to take a small break as she looks to the mother grub stuff animal (Y/N) made for her it would make Kanaya smile when she felt frustrated with her friends or family "I Know What Would Be Prefect For Their Outfit" Kanaya said getting back to work

Terezi ♎️

"H3H3H3 YOU TH1NK YOU C4N ST34L TH3M WRONG YOU SH4LL H4NG" terezi said pushing one of her scalemates out the window as she picks up her coin with the scratch side up "1 SHOULD GET TH3M SOMETH1G TH4T SM3LLS GOOD NOT FLOW3RS TH3Y H4V3 4 LOT" terezi said to herself

Vriska ♏️

Vriska looks at all of her treasure looking for something. "What should i give (Y/nnnnnnnn)" Vriska whines pouting she had pretty much all the treasure in the world but not any she thought would be prefect for (Y/N) A crown? No (Y/N) wouldn't really like that A knife? No A Ruby? maybe but Vriska stops when she found the most prefect thing

Equius ♐️

Equius was sweating more than usual he was nervous even if he didn't properly show it. Equius beat up his robots smashing them to pieces as his mind drifts to remembering how close (Y/N) was to him watching him work oh how he wanted to hug them gently so he wouldn't break them

":33 > Nepeta gets inside by the windmew and sees equius are you ok?" Nepeta ask as equius's eyes wonder over to a gift (Y/N) got him it was a set of tools his face turns blue a bit ":33 > Equius you have furrshed feelings fur (Y/N) don't you?!" Nepeta jumps up and down as equius sweats more.

Gamzee ♑️

"tAvBrO wHaT dO yOu Do To ShOw YoUr FlUsH yOu LiKe ThEm" Gamzee ask while he lays on the floor "wELL uH KISS THEM MAYBE" Tavros said looking at Gamzee "WoNdEr If FaYgO cUpCaKeS wIlL hElP bRiNg MoThErFuCkInG mIrCaLes" Gamzee said holding on to the horn (Y/N) got for him at the horror carnival they work out

Eridan ♒️

Eridan was panicking he wonders what he has to do to earn (Y/N)'s love so they could be happy together but also to make sure that no one else takes them away from him "ugh wwhat do i do this is seahorse shit! Is there a spell" eridan mumbles to himself pacing back and forth grabbing his wand "maybe that could wwork" he mumbles

Feferi ♓️

"Whal—E t)(h—Ey lik—E it glub?" Feferi asks to herself "rayb—E a dat—E at an aquarium mig)(t work glub" Feferi sits down thinking about what she could do to show (Y/N) how much she loves them they were like the missing piece to her princess. She walks to her lusus to ask her for help to make sure her confession was good

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