Cuddles and couple stuff

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Karkat ♋️

(Y/N) was in the kitchen making popcorn as Karkat watches a romcom pretty much a normal Friday for you guys but there is one problem (Y/N) were in a cuddly mood and they were going to get those cuddles no matter what

(Y/N) sets the popcorn down sitting by next to Karkat as a couple was being shown kissing each other. They scoot closer to Karkat and turn to face him but was surprise when their lips met karkat's their faces both flush as he pulls them close to his chest (Y/N) smiles cuddling him back

Aradia ♈️

(Y/N) giggles taking pictures of frogs jumping on aradia. "0liver j0nes wants t0 sleep n0t play" Aradia said "I don't think they'll listen love" (Y/N) giggles out taking pictures of the frogs as aradia turns to them smiling she loves their adorable giggle

"Well why d0nt we watch them while cuddling 0u0" aradia ask as (Y/N) blushes a little bit "of course l-ove" they said and both sat on the couch cuddling each other happily watching the frogs play and bounce around the hive

Tavros ♉️

(Y/N) got a little blanket nest on their bed ready and walks over to the living room where Tavros was waiting confuse. They push him over to their bed and picks up Tavros and put him in the blanket nest as they stretch their back (Y/N) didn't think Tavros would be a little heavier than he looks. "uH, (y/N) WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Tavros ask blushing "well I'm going to cuddle you" they respond jumping into the nest and cuddles Tavros happily as he hides his face in their hair

Sollux ♊️

Playing video games with Sollux was always a blast expect when you guys made bets and the air feels tense but it's fun expect for the person who loses. Speaking of video games (Y/N) was watching Sollux play his videos games as (Y/N) was wanting his attention.

They got an idea and made their way to Sollux. They sat on sollux's lap and put his arms around them but still allowing him to play his game. Sollux chuckles kissing (Y/N)'s head as they snuggle in his chest.

Nepeta ♌️

There was no doubt (Y/N) and Nepeta cuddle anytime anywhere pretty much. In your house boom cuddles in her hive boom cuddles in the forest boom cuddles in the park boom cuddles. It was nice but did get a little annoying whenever you two were cuddling and a wild Kankri appears going on about tiggers you two would run away from him though

Now here (Y/N) and Nepeta are cuddling as she rubs her cheek against (Y/N) "awww marking me like a kitten" (Y/N) said teasing ":33> of course everyone has to know your my meowsprite" Nepeta said purring and (Y/N) kisses her head

Kanaya ♍️

It was quite fun teaching Kanaya about small romantic gestures humans do sometimes and adorable seeing Kanaya try to do them to you. "(Y/N) Could We Take Part In A Common Think Our Species Both Do And Cuddle I Believe It Would Be Qui-" (Y/N) cuts Kanaya off by kissing her lips "of course we can it would be wonderful" (Y/N) said and wraps Kanaya in their jacket and they sat on the couch cuddling each other

Terezi ♎️

(Y/N) was watching terezi prosecute one of her scalemates apparently this one had tried to hurt a teal and (F/C) (favorite color) scalemate. They watch Terezi flip the head and saw the coin flip on the perfectly fine side the scalemate looks relieve? Wait what? "CO1N WH4T CO1N" terezi said oh yeah don't forget she's blind (hope you guys remember a part similar to this lol) and boom the scalemate was hanging outside.

"Heh judging must be hard here let's cuddle" (Y/N) said as terezi smiles cuddling (Y/N) and sniffs them "YOU SM3LL GR34T :)" terezi said

Vriska ♏️

To be honest (Y/N) didn't really think Vriska was much of a cuddler but they didn't mind they can tell how much Vriska loves them even if there wasn't many cuddles. (Y/N) was staying over at Vriska's place when they start to have a nightmare about a doom timeline Vriska dying and (Y/N) shoots up tearing up.

(Y/N) ran over to Vriska checking if she was ok and hugs her tightly waking up Vriska. "Uuuuuuuugh (Y/N) why di-huh are you ok?!" Vriska ask worriedly seeing them cry and (Y/N) explains their nightmare and Vriska cuddles them whispers sweet things in their ear as they attack her cheek with kisses afraid she'll disappear if they let go

Equius ♐️

(Y/N) loves equius a whole lot and understands why he's afraid to cuddle them but that didn't mean that they couldn't attack equius with hugs. It was sort of like Nepeta's tackles pounces but instead it was '(Y/N)'s hug attacks' or 'surprise hug attacks' so now here equius is working on his robot as (Y/N) was sneaking over to surprise him with hugs

They jump to hug him but was surprise when equius turns his chair to face them and (Y/N) lands into his arms "D—> i heard your footsteps so I knew you were going to give me you're rather..." equius stop thinking of what word he should use sweating a bit "..STRONG show of love with your hugs"  they giggle hugging equius and kisses his cheek his face getting a little flush his hands gently wrapping around them

Gamzee ♑️

Who knew that Gamzee could be an absolute cuddle monster like say that (Y/N) is at their home and then next thing they know Gamzee is cuddling them as he falls asleep but hey it's freaking nice as flip but there is a downside he sometimes tries to get you away from work to have a cuddle session but you always say no you have to pay the bills somehow that makes Gamzee pout a little and he starts honking till you kiss him to calm Gamzee down

Here (Y/N) is now working on some ideas for new face makeup humming to themselves then they heard it a honk. Then more honks till boom Gamzee appears "HeY mOtHeRfUcKeR aRe YoU rEaDy FoR oUr CuDdLeS hOnK :o)?" Gamzee ask making (Y/N) giggle and holds their arms out to him and they cuddle on the floor

Eridan ♒️

(Y/N) watches eridan as he was suck into watching Harry Potter. It was adorable watching him look so enchanted in the movie. Then the idea hit them (Y/N) sits by Eridan and lay their head on his lap blushing. Eridan turns to look at you and smiles petting their head as he goes back to watching the movie.

As the movie was getting close to the middle eridan moves (Y/N) between his legs wrapping them around (Y/N) cuddling them and nuzzles his neck making (Y/N) giggle as they nuzzles him back it was a great time watching Harry Potter

Feferi ♓️

(Y/N) smiles as they bury their girlfriend under piles of blankets they were excited to read a bunch of stories with Feferi. Which made feferi giggle she thought it was adorable how excited (Y/N) was as they got the reading session ready.

(Y/N) got under all the blankets and cuddles feferi as she lays her head on (Y/N)'s chest as they begin to read the beginning of Moon-lake Love it was kind of a cheesy love story but was interesting to read how the lovely knight of the Moon tries to win her princess's heart

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