They confess

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Karkat ♋️

Karkat was feeling nervous as he looks at (Y/N) he wasn't even looking at the movie. "Karkat are you ok?" (Y/N) ask Karkat could feel his breath get caught in his throat

"(Y/N) I...FUCK WHY IS THIS SO FUCKING HARD (Y/N) IM FUCKING FLUSH FOR YOU!" Karkat shouts he was surprise when (Y/N) kisses his cheek they were blushing "fl-ush for y-ou too" they said

Aradia ♈️

Aradia walks with (Y/N) around a cemetery she was smiling like always leading them to a secret spot that she found. "Hehe so you're going to keep the blind fold on me or can I take it off?" (Y/N) said "n0 n0t yet be patient we are cl0se" aradia said

When they got to the spot aradia takes off (Y/N)'s blindfold and they could see it was a beautiful picnic with fireflies around the area "(Y/N) i am flush f0r y0u" aradia said holding (Y/N)'s hands close to her heart "I'm flush for you too" (Y/N) said

Tavros ♉️

Tavros smiles as he wraps (Y/N)'s gift blushing thinking about how they will react and hopefully say yes and become matesprites but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Tavros heard a knock on the door and smiles seeing (Y/N) when he opens the door "Hey Tavros what did you need?" (Y/N) ask as Tavros blushes a little more as he nervously hands them their gift. (Y/N) opens the gift a little confused and saw some of their favorite Pokémon plushies and a small note. They look up at Tavros and kisses his cheek "of course I'll be yours!" (Y/N) exclaims

Sollux ♊️

Sollux smirks at (Y/N) as they were losing a video game he was determined to win after all the two of them made a bet whoever wins has to do something the other person wants

"Dammit.....what do you want me to do?" (Y/N) ask pouting "2iimple be my mate2priite" Sollux said making (Y/N) blush as they nod eagerly and happily throwing their arms around him

Nepeta ♌️

Nepeta was bouncing out of excitement as she gets out her cutest cat hat. She could see (Y/N) in their window and Nepeta turns to Equius and takes the stuff animals out of his hands ":33> Thank mew so much equius!" Nepeta exclaims as equius smiles a little

Nepeta rushes to the window and jumps at it scaring (Y/N). They turn to see Nepeta and chuckle opening the window for her. ":33> (Y/N) I want to know if mew want to be mine and raise a kitty together" Nepeta ask holding out the stuff animal "awww of course you're so cute" (Y/N) said chuckling

Kanaya ♍️

Kanaya was waiting for (Y/N) to come over she quickly looks into the mirror changing her clothes to look for the best one to wear for her confession "Maybe I Should Change The Color Of My Lipstick" Kanaya said to herself but it was to late (Y/N) was already knocking on her door

Kanaya opens the door and leads (Y/N) to the room holding their outfit. She felt nervous about what (Y/N) will think about it. She turns to look at (Y/N) in their outfit and smiles seeing the big smile on their face. "(Y/N) Before You Speak I Must Tell You Something I Have Red Feelings For You And I Wish For Us To Be Mat-" Kanaya was cut off by (Y/N) kissing her

Terezi ♎️

"Wow your place is pretty fantastical" (Y/N) said as they look around Terezi's room "H4H4 MY ROOM 1S TH3 B3ST" terezi said as (Y/N) looks outside the windows seeing the scalemate that was terezi's 'flush rival' hanging from the tree

".....that scalemate is so cute why is it hanging?" (Y/N) ask "B3C4US3 THH3Y TR13D TO ST34L SOM3TH1NG TH4T B3LONGS TO M3 >:(" terezi said "what did they try to steal?" (Y/N) ask "YOUR H34RT >;)" terezi said "W-ell it will always be yours" (Y/N) said blushing as they hold Terezi's hand

Vriska ♏️

Vriska wasn't going to say it out loud but she was a little nervous but if she can kill the black king and challenge Bec Noir she can confess her feelings and win (Y/N)'s heart after all she has all the luck

Vriska pulls (Y/N) closer to her making them giggle a little. Vriska takes out a little box and hands it to them. (Y/N) opens it seeing it was a pendant with the Scorpio sign engraved into it "(Y/N) will you 8e my matesprite ;;;;)" Vriska ask as (Y/N) tackles her with kisses

Equius ♐️

Equius was sweating a lot more than usual luckily he made sure to bring some towels with him. His hand was so close to pushing (Y/N)'s doorbell as he holds some flowers in his other hand the stems were broken. Equius turns to Nepeta in the bush giving him a thumbs up. He takes a deep breath and pushes it.

(Y/N) answers the door blushing when they saw the flowers in his hands. "D—> (Y/N) when I first saw you I knew you were someone special but I was to nervous to talk to you properly and now I have to ask you will you be my matesprite" equius ask sweating bullets "Of course I will!!!" (Y/N) shouts hugging Equius tightly as equius hugs them back carefully

Gamzee ♑️

Gamzee smiles hugging (Y/N) as they were watching the ocean with faygo cupcakes besides them. "tHiS iS mOtHeR fUcKiNg GrEaT mIrCaLeS wE gOt FaYgO cUpCaKeS aNd My FlUsH cRuSh Is In My ArMs" Gamzee said making (Y/N) blush "w-ait you like me?!" They ask "YeS i MoThErFuCkInG do" Gamzee smile grows wider as (Y/N) snuggles into him more "I'm flush for you too" they said

Eridan ♒️

Eridan was nervously waiting by the same cliff he meant (Y/N) at with the same setting of the sun. He hope he wouldn't lose (Y/N) he wants to love him and didn't want to be alone again he just wants them.

"Eridan you there?" (Y/N) ask as they push the leaves out of the face. Eridan panics inside and takes out his wand. (Y/N) walks out of the tree lines and sees floating words in the sky asking them if they would be his. (Y/N) turns to eridan their eyes watering they run to him hugging Eridan tightly. "I've b-een waiting for th-at forever!" (Y/N) exclaim as eridan hugs them back tearing up from happiness too

Feferi ♓️

Feferi was so excited but also nervous standing by your flush crush who you're preparing to ask out is hard. They were both looking at all the fishes and especially the bigger ones. "They are so pretty Feferi but not as pretty as you" (Y/N) said giggling

As they got close to the sea lions feferi was blushing more and more. "glub (Y/N) I-" "I love you too feferi" (Y/N) smiles "you're kinda obvious a little bit" (Y/N) kisses their cheek as feferi jumps into their arms hugging them tightly

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