Hanging out with them

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Karkat ♋️

(Y/N) was really excited as they got their home ready for their and Karkat's movie night were they watch some cheesy romantic movies that they chose  they love these nights them and Karkat already had two of these nights but they don't grow old it was just fun hanging out with him

When the doorbell rang (Y/N) runs to the door and opens it to see Karkat but he has the movies in one hand and a pizza in the other. "Y-ou didn't have to" (Y/N) said taking the pizza and putting it on the table "SHUT UO FUCKER WITH THESE MOVIES I BRING WE ARE GOING TO NEED THAT FUCKING PIZZA" Karkat said as he gets comfy in the blanket pile (Y/N) made

Aradia ♈️

(Y/N) felt really nervous this was the first time Aradia was coming to their house but it wasn't for a photoshoot or anything no they were actually hanging out and it felt some much different than photoshoots.

(Y/N) was making sure everything was nice and Aradia wasn't going to trip on anything and when they could hear knocking (Y/N) open the door and sees Aradia they smile and they start to joke around and (Y/N) was listening to Aradia's teachings of a corpse party

Tavros ♉️

(Y/N) hides all their writing items and got out all their Pokémon stuff so they can suck Tavros into Pokémon and plus he would look adorable cuddling a pikachu plus!

When they heard a soft knocking (Y/N) open the door and hugs Tavros and takes him inside ready to show him the world of Pokémon and they were right Tavros was adorable cuddling (Y/N)'s pokemon plushies (I should draw this)

Sollux ♊️

Playing video games with Sollux was honestly really fun. Especially multiplayer games then you can mess with people online but (Y/N) and Sollux have been making bets

"I bet if I win this match then you get me food" (Y/N) said "iif ii wiin then you wiill do what ii 2ay for the re2t of the day" Sollux said.....let's just say you got your food

Nepeta ♌️

(Y/N) and Nepeta were hanging out in the forest looking at all the animals even though Nepeta tried to catch some of them it was nice. Nepeta got really excited thinking about all the shipping her and (Y/N) can do together.

":33 > AC turns to (Y/N) and looks at them with serious furca (Y/N) do you like shipping?" Nepeta asks "yeah i do actually" (Y/N) said a bit embarrassed ":33> we must go to mew shipping wall!" Nepeta declares dragging (Y/N) to her hive

Kanaya ♍️

Helping people out was so nice especially when (Y/N) was able to make friends because of it. And right now they were hanging out with a new friend Kanaya helping her by modeling her clothes so she can try making clothes for people who are a little on the chubbier side

"Thank You For Your Help Once Again You Have No Idea How Troublesome It Is To Find Willingly Models For Clothes" Kanaya said "heh I'm always happy to help Kanaya what are friends for" (Y/N) said

Terezi ♎️

It was a really odd first meeting but (Y/N) grew to love her odd friend. (Y/N) took some roses and poppies as they walk over to Terezi's hive since she loves red stuff. Though (Y/N) still didn't get how Terezi seemed to know things by licking them.

When they knocked on the door Terezi opens it smiling like usual "H3llo (Y/N) *sniff* you brought me r3d flow3rs :0" terezi was surprise and takes the flowers sniffing them "I know how much you like them so I took some from my garden" (Y/N) said "th4nks th3s3 sm3ll so gr34t" terezi said

Vriska ♏️

(Y/N) and Vriska were hanging out at Vriska's place even though Vriska could be a bitch she was actually nice to hang out with. Right now though Vriska was talking about her old role play since (Y/N) got her talking when they pointed out the drawing of her character.

"I got all the gold and leeeeeeeevels!" Vriska exclaims "I was the 8est at the game no one could 8eat me!" "Hehe I bet you were like you have all the luck" (Y/N) said giggling

Equius ♐️

Thanks to Nepeta (Y/N) and equius started to hang out together and it was really nice to be by Equius's side. They also really owed Nepeta for helping them out when they got nervous to ask Equius if they could hang out at his place for the first time. (Y/N) was also really impressed when they found out that Equius makes pretty cool robots.

"Dang I'm still impressed whenever I see your robots Equius" (Y/N) said "D—> thank you again lowblood" equius pauses for a second ",want to see how I make one?" "Heck yeah!" (Y/N) exclaimed

Gamzee ♑️

Hanging out with a high clown was probably one of the strangest but definitely the chillest thing someone could do. And (Y/N) were that someone they were on gamzee's couch as Gamzee was laying on top of their lap and whole sofa.

"WhAt If PeNgUiNs CoUlD fLy BuT aRe To ShY" Gamzee said as (Y/N) chuckles petting gamzee's head as they drink that nice faygo

Eridan ♒️

Having to deal with Eridan's constant flirting was weird but (Y/N) was getting use to it but it still couldn't stop them from blushing which always made Eridan flirt more with them but this time they will have their revenge

"I wwonder howw many licks will take to start making you scream" eridan said "I w-ounder how much I n-eed to say to make you blush" (Y/N) said actually making Eridan blush "you flirted back" he said

Feferi ♓️

Spending time at the beach is always fun especially with a troll like Feferi she was so nice to be around. (Y/N) smiles as Feferi puts a shell crown on their head.

"You look lik—E a princ—Ess now" Feferi smiles as (Y/N) blushes a little bit "Well your my princess" (Y/N) said hugging Feferi not seeing the blush on her face

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