Random scenario #1 werewolf

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(A/N: so I'll be making random scenarios with the homestuck characters and you because it's fun)

Karkat ♋️

Here you are hugging your werewolf boyfriend as he was growling at the mailman because he flirted with you a little pretty awkward but hey it was cute seeing Karkat get all worked up like this.

(Y/N) lets out a sigh of relief when their mailman finally left they turn to Karkat and kisses his head "you were jealous" (Y/N) chuckles as Karkat pouts

Aradia ♈️

Exploring old ruins with your werewolf girlfriend was really fun but worrying. You didn't like the fact that when she turns into a wolf she could easily fall because she can't hold anything and fall getting hurt. Or or or?! Aradia boops your nose with hers she could tell you were worrying about her "s-sorry I just d-on't want to lose you" (Y/N) said cuddling into aradia as she nuzzles her head into yours man she was great at calming you down when you got worried oh how you love her so much

Tavros ♉️

Whenever you went to the park you take Tavros with you. People would walk up to you two asking about Tavros and where you got him regular dog questions but it was a little difficult whenever those people had dogs too. They would bark and growl at him a little because they knew what he really was that's why you took the paths barely anyone went on. Tavros nuzzles into you snapping you out of your day dreams and memories. "Awww you want attention?" (Y/N) teases making Tavros look down in embarrassment causing you to kiss and cuddle him

Sollux ♊️

"S-ollux stop trying to n-uzzle me from be-hind me I know w-hat you're trying to do" you scold blushing. Oh how you could tell he was smirking right now but he listens nuzzling your legs as you were trying to walk

Sollux nudges (Y/N) making you fall onto the couch and Sollux jumps onto your lap laying down as he watches the TV victory written on his face as you pout a little cuddling him

Nepeta ♌️

Sometimes you wonder if your girlfriend was raised by cats and not other wolves. After all she would purr a lot around you wants to climb stuff and makes cat puns so you were a little confused sometimes but hey it was cute

"Nepeta Nepeta" You call as you were looking for your girlfriend "why did you go?" What you didn't know was that Nepeta was sitting in a tree waiting for the right moment to pounce the moment you turn your back she pounces and (Y/N) hugs Nepeta tightly happy she was ok as Nepeta purrs licking your cheek

Kanaya ♍️

You giggle watching Kanaya looking at the leashes for a fashionable one since her old one broken thanks to shenanigans. "What are do you like none of them?" You ask as Kanaya nods pouting "Well you can always make your own" You point out chuckling as Kanaya'd tail wags getting many ideas "oh hello there you like the collars I think some strips would work great on your dog" a worker said making Kanaya give him a strange look as you laugh till your butt fell to the ground

Terezi ♎️

It funny how humans have seeing eye dogs well your girlfriend had a seeing eye human which was you but hey you never mind helping terezi especially since it gets her out of trouble you don't want your neighbor to get mad at you for terezi digging up his flowers. "Terezi no that's not my flowers!" (Y/N) exclaims when terezi went to dig up some flowers she turns to you then the flower and boom back to you. Terezi smiles and takes a flower to give to you (Y/N) sighs and sits down taking the flower "thank you but just don't take the neighbor's flowers" you said as terezi licks your face

Vriska ♏️

Here you go again getting drag around this strange forest so Vriska could find some treasure especially anything gold or blue. "Vriska we should get going" You whine it's been such a long walk your feet were starting to hurt but Vriska didn't listen

Vriska keeps running till she found a scent and starts to dig picking something up and brought it to you and you smile seeing a cute blue ring "I love it" you say kissing Vriska on her head

Equius ♐️

Having a STRONG werewolf boyfriend was nice and (Y/N) loves him so much but there was one problem he literally won't let you leave your house without him sometimes. He only wants the best people to be around you and tries to tell you what to do but you know it was just his way of trying to protect you but it does get a little annoying now and them

Funny enough here you are right now holding onto equius's leash as people move out of the way because they were scared of him. (Y/N) took Equius into the park and let him go to the bathroom while they sit at a bench and were surprised when someone covers their eyes "guess who" a voice said "your soulmate" the owner of the voice uncovers your eyes and chuckles at your reaction "sorry love I just love surprises" he said winking you were about to say you were already taken when Equius appears jumping onto the bench and on your lap giving the guy a hard look "s-shit sorry love I have to go I'm allergic to dogs" the man said sneezing as he runs away "heh th-anks equius" (Y/N) said hugging her wet werewolf and kissing his head

Gamzee ♑️

Sometimes you'll walk into your house and see your boyfriend Gamzee on the ground passed out with empty pie tins next to him and no shirt. (Y/N) sighs and starts to clean up but was pulls down to the ground and into Gamzee's arms

"MiSs YoU mOtHeRfUcKeR" Gamzee said kissing (Y/N)'s head ".....w-hy aren't you wearing a shirt?" You ask you never got an answer to that do you just pet his fluffy wolf ears what else were you to do

Eridan ♒️

Holy crap was eridan territorial whenever you had friends over he would not leave your side at all and doesn't let them hug you but one day eridan felt really threatened by one of your friends who secretly liked you so he tried to bite him but you put eridan in your room and wouldn't let him out and you've always done that to make sure it never happens again. But when you let him out after your friends leave you go to your room and cuddle him and he wouldn't let you go "I l-ove only you you shouldn't worry" (Y/N) said "I knoww but I don't trust other people" eridan said

Feferi ♓️

(Y/N) laughs as they watch feferi jumping and swimming around in the sea it was nice to see her have fun. "Feferi come here girl!" You exclaims and feferi runs over fast shaking her fur getting you all wet but you didn't mind "it's getting dark we have to go to the rocks so we can see the glowing jellyfish" you said your voice full of excitement

Feferi and you ran to the rocks sitting on top of them. You two stayed at the rocks watching all the jellyfish float by all night long Yeah......sleeping on rocks wasn't comfortable

(A/N: have any requests for random scenarios comment down below)

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